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scwelch OP t1_ivgazpd wrote

Sounds like we need to support dentists then


Jimmyking4ever t1_ivggqtr wrote

Ivey always thought it was weird that if you break a toe you're covered but I'd you break a tooth it's not. America is fucking weird


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_ivgkpir wrote

Most countries with universal health care exclude dental


BsFan t1_ivhhkcl wrote

Look at anyone from England's teeth for an example.


Robobvious t1_ivhkfi8 wrote

I've actually heard that English people have fairly healthy teeth they just don't focus on making them all look pearly white and perfectly straight like Americans do. If your teeth are healthy and doing their job they see no reason to fuck with them more than necessary.


BsFan t1_ivhkttz wrote

Makes sense. I was just parroting a stereotype


-Slan- t1_ivjs3rf wrote

dont worry eyes arent covered either.. always baffling to someone who is legally blind (rock coke bottles that are capable of starting fires lol) that eyes arent considered necessary for ones health

american health care system is a fucking joke


HobNailBoots1 t1_ivivd20 wrote

Insurance companies deny claims chisel UCR fees to a point where dentists cannot cover the cost of procedures that you might need so are reluctant to offer the treatments you need.. dental insurance companies deny claims all the time and then point the finger at the dentist so they do not look bad.. the fun part is as being a provider the dental insurance companies forbid in their agreements that dentists are not allowed to show what they were paid for a procedure.. example the ins co instead of denying a claim on your behalf will send a payment to the dentist D0120 FMX (X-rays) payment $0.. in the insurance industry that is classified as a paid claim in the amount of $0. The dentist then sends the patient a demand for $100 for example; the patient then calls their insurance who tell their customer who pays them monthly., no the dentist was paid. The patient then accuses the dentist of trying to scam them, the dentist cannot say we were paid $0 so the patient ends up angry and in collection.. support the dentist not the insurance business.