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modernhomeowner t1_ivkjx7u wrote

You think they will run Massachusetts without a profit?


peteysweetusername t1_ivkn6jc wrote

Delta dental is a non profit so absolutely yes


modernhomeowner t1_ivkosma wrote

Every insurance company has profit, even the non-profit ones. They keep reserves for future claims and growth, and of course, other charitable donations. Harvard Pilgrim had $700M in carried surpluses when they merged to Point32.

I don't think Delta is just going to give it up. And they aren't the only dental insurance company, that's not who I have, there are dozens of them. I'm guessing mine doesn't make much profit on the $19.99 to just keep the rates as is.


peteysweetusername t1_ivkszgv wrote

The polls are showing my point of view is going to win so I look forward to the facts proving you wrong


modernhomeowner t1_ivktaam wrote

Of course I do hope for my own sake you do prove me wrong! In the event my premium goes up, can I send the bill to you? Lol!


peteysweetusername t1_ivktjy4 wrote

I don’t know how your insurance company is operating at $240 a year. I don’t think that’s enough to cover two cleanings, X-rays, and a exam never mind other services you may need like drills and fills


modernhomeowner t1_ivkv0pi wrote

In most states, $240 is a lot; I used to pay cash to my dentist in NY $173 per year for THREE cleanings and one exam (if you have healthy teeth you have no need for a bi-annual exam, that's just a dental scam, all you need is cleanings and one exam a year, I liked having a cleaning ever 4 months). Even my exam I just had last month was a near joke, he didn't even count off the teeth, just looked in for about 20 seconds.