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Difficult-Ad3518 t1_ixjkfx5 wrote

INFO: What neighborhood is your job in?

“Downtown Boston” is an actual neighborhood. It includes sub-neighborhoods such as the Financial District, the Theatre District, Government Center, Downtown Crossing, etc. Given that you don’t live here, it’s possible that you are using the term “downtown Boston” loosely/incorrectly, and are referring to a different neighborhood, such as the West End, Back Bay, Longwood Medical Area, Cambridge (not technically in the city limits of Boston), etc. So, to give you advice, we’d first need to know if your job is in Downtown Boston or “downtown” “Boston.”


BirthdayPlayful OP t1_ixjmnom wrote

Hey, it’s near kpmg on essex street, im assuming that’s the financial district?


Ok_Ad_526 t1_ixjzr8k wrote

Right across from South Station (red line, commuter rail, Amtrak). Driving and parking around there is going to be an absolute nightmare.

If you really want to live in the suburbs, consider one with a commuter rail that terminates at South Station (Needham, Natick, etc). You can still bring your car if you live out a bit.

Personally I'd live in Cambridge near a red line station and take that to South Station. Most areas are very walkable and you could always use car share if you need to drive somewhere.