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ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iy8ri7h wrote

It should be illegal for people to treat sidewalks, parks that are not specifically designed for dogs and other people's private lawns as a toilet.

If you bring a dog into the city and live in an apartment and your plan is to use the public sidewalk or these other places as a place for your pet to defecate and urinate, you are an, inconsiderate, thoughtless person. It's not healthy for the dog, other dogs and other people to have to walk through that and pet waste is a gigantic problem in storm water runoff.


Great1948 t1_iy91rzo wrote

So if you live a 20 minute walk from a designated dog park, your dog is just supposed to know they have to wait until they get there? Sure, Jan


tae_unnie t1_iyaayhx wrote

Jan won’t be happy unless we train our dogs to use a litter box lmao. But oh no, then we’ll have to purchase substrate and cause more waste.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iy92w5n wrote

>So if you live a 20 minute walk from a designated dog park, your dog is just supposed to know they have to wait until they get there?

If you don't live somewhere that is an appropriate place for dogs to live, then you shouldn't get a dog.


Interesting_Ad3949 t1_iycxxm0 wrote

Your backyard or your apt. You got the dog, deal with it in the appropriate manner.