Submitted by eaglessoar t3_z8t01h in boston
hitbyacar1 t1_iyd3hnn wrote
get the tea
UltravioletClearance t1_iyd6ndq wrote
Why do you think they're so racist?
eaglessoar OP t1_iydbsxy wrote
she corrected it to 6pm
eaglessoar OP t1_iydbw8t wrote
this is specifically marginal st in eastie, she said massport came to the shipyard to notify them its not a misunderstanding with anything going on in chelsea
treescented t1_iydcu4u wrote
I live in Eastie. My guess is that they're doing a photo op at Piers Park. It's the best spot to take a picture with the city of Boston in the background.
[deleted] t1_iyddqha wrote
eburton555 t1_iydhoep wrote
The audacity of them coming to Boston of all places. We should have them stay in the old governors building. As is.
Conan776 t1_iydrcfu wrote
Also a good place to give an offshore invasion fleet the "all clear" signal.
We should be preparing for a "two lantern" situation.
elbenji t1_iydtm5d wrote
They're taking a photo. They're in Chelsea all day today.
ZainebBenoit t1_iydw22t wrote
Soooo trying to get to Lynn is gonna be like what tonight?
eaglessoar OP t1_iyd25t3 wrote
This was shared in Jeffries Point neighborhood fb group by a business owner in the shipyard and others confirmed in comments doesn't seem to be a rumor but as an area resident I've seen nothing from police or mass port about this closure. Anyone got the deets (or a huge Irish flag to lend me?)