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Conan776 t1_ixfgdg9 wrote

>He then starts going off about how ugly Lyndon Johnson was

This is why Texans and Bostonians can't get along. Also, maybe that one song doesn't help.


gl00mybear t1_ixg9c1o wrote


ergister t1_ixgbkmk wrote

God the shit you find... and can't believe are actually real...


Outrageous-Pause6317 t1_ixh08gz wrote

Wait a second there. What about Mike Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen? A Bay Stater and a Texan tried to fix the world together.


Michelanvalo t1_ixhlqb2 wrote

> 6 minutes

There's like 4 songs in existence worth that level of attention and this isn't one of them