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mead_beader t1_ixh8f3q wrote

Once in Harvard Square I saw a fat man wearing a dress shirt and suspenders arguing firmly with the police that it was not actually illegal to go into the women's bathroom. The police were firmly informing him that yes, it actually is.

I didn't stick around to see the outcome but I can take a pretty good guess.


pgc60001 t1_ixmt6k9 wrote

I was at a 7/11 a few months back and this tweeker was on the phone talking quite loudly about his dick. We made eye contact and he came up to me and made a jerking off motion with his hand and started laughing. I was already having a day so I lost my temper. I could of handled it better but I think I was entitled to enforce my boundaries. Not to mention there was a mother and a kid in line behind us.

He proceeds to get defensive and argue that “iM jUsT jOkiNG i sHoUlD fUcK yOU uP”. Nothing ended up happening because I wanted to keep my dignity/be a civil adult.