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BostonVagrant617 t1_j29txu1 wrote

It is highly unlikely anyone gets charged in this case. It's difficult if not impossible to determine if the infants/fetuses died while she was giving birth, or if they came out alive and then died/were murdered. Even if it's proven the infants were born alive then died, the prosecution will still struggle to prove murder/manslaughter. The only laws in Massachusetts regarding the mishandling of corpses pertain to grave diggers, and the maximum penalty is a $500 fine.

I read something a month or so ago, and it sounded like the lady who lived in the apartment was a recluse who suffered from untreated mental illness. Life is already kicking her ass, I'm not sure why people are so thirsty to prosecute someone that needs help.


LIATG t1_j2aeybc wrote

she's in assisted living now anyways, she's already being observed outside of the general public. criminal charges would just be jerking her around to end up in a mental health facility anyways


BostonVagrant617 t1_j2ahapr wrote

Agree, just sounds like a sad situation all around, and yet another shining example of why we need more/better resources for individuals dealing with mental health issues or who can't take care of themselves.