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emilymm2 t1_j198utg wrote

The issue will be inbound flight delays/cancellations causing a domino effect


BradMarchandsNose t1_j19lf0b wrote

Even then, they’re usually back on track within about 12 hours or so of the end of a storm unless it’s particularly devastating. Worst case I think you’d only see a couple hour delay


soibithim t1_j1a2m0j wrote

Depends where you're flying. Massive delays and cancellations in the rest of the country too.


BradMarchandsNose t1_j1a3tyk wrote

The storm is moving in from the west and headed out to sea. Once it passes Boston, the rest of the country will have already cleared up. Inbound delays will clear up relatively quickly and there shouldn’t be much of an issue getting out of Boston on Saturday morning. The timing of the storm helps, the worst of it will come tonight when they’re aren’t as many flights in and out of Logan. Friday will be the catch-up day and Saturday should be relatively fine. I would expect some delays, but cancellations or being stuck in the airport for 8 hours, probably not.


Samson__ t1_j1bg0n7 wrote

Yea? I’m coming into Logan Saturday morning. Sure as hell hope I don’t get screwed