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voicesofreasons OP t1_j2btcp0 wrote

She did not, essentially we were told to figure our shit out ourselves. The Red Cross gave us a bit of money, bless them, but it only would have been for a few days. The lease doesn't say much about fire, only that the landlord has the right to terminate the lease in the event of a fire. She terminated it a few days after the fire- around June 20th.


Public_Substance451 t1_j2budyj wrote

Went through a fire. If the house was habitable, that is the end of your lease. They have to provide you the pro-rated rent for the remainder.


SpindriftRascal t1_j2cm4rt wrote

If you paid through June 30, but she terminated June 20, she owes you at least that ten days of rent. (She may also owe you the other days between the fire and the termination, if the apartment was not usable.)

Whether she pays or not is a different question. If you’ve tried to discuss it, but she declines to offer a solution, you could try sending her a 93A demand letter setting out exactly what the problem is and what you’re looking for as a resolution.