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KSF_WHSPhysics t1_j04hjm6 wrote

Theres the silver line, the blue line, the mbta ferry, park and ride, uber, taxi, water taxi. I get that theres no trains but ffs im not sure what else they can do to improve it.


Zashiony t1_j04jxcz wrote

Blue Line isn't really a direct connection, though. Having to take a shuttle to reach it makes it a much bigger pain.


Uber and taxi are also commonplace at every airport. Not like you can say that that's something that makes Logan better.


KSF_WHSPhysics t1_j04ktbm wrote

Every US airport. Plenty of countries/cities around the world where uber is banned. Never had trouble getting a taxi to be fair, but when theres no uber to compete with they get to bend you over the table