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UmassBenjimami t1_j1gg1ah wrote

So we’re not gonna talk about the fake fucking body on the ground?


estrangelove t1_j1gy23g wrote

the what??


UmassBenjimami t1_j1huzcv wrote

Zoom in on the piece on the floor that’s 2nd closest to the vehicle with headlights on…. Fake ass looking dude!! At least looks like a fake head.. no way those eye sockets and mouth are shadows


estrangelove t1_j1hv7lw wrote

I guess i see what your saying, it has an angry looking face right? I dont think it’s a fake body i think it’s just light and shadows on some weird debris.


UmassBenjimami t1_j1i5j22 wrote

Idk that’s the first thing I looked at and thought was why they posted in the first place. The real shadows are coming towards the camera, that is dark af there because the light is hitting what looks like a fake head or some shit but it’s not casting onto the actual face