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tbass12 t1_j1w5cu6 wrote

I fish tuna off of p-town frequently - you cannot see Boston from the cape….


_Lane_ t1_j1x4f9a wrote

You need to be on the side closer to Boston, not the side closer to Portugal.


tbass12 t1_j1x4n2f wrote

Haha - I fish the whole area all over stellwagen bank cape cod bay east of ptown etc - you Cannot see Boston from the cape…..


-flame-retardant- t1_j1z5m1p wrote

It's called a superior mirage, and it causes light refraction when warm air travels over cold water. Light bends around the curvature of the earth.


tbass12 t1_j21b2yi wrote

I have no doubt that superior mirage is such a thing - the buildings look nothing like the Boston skyline….


-flame-retardant- t1_j21iej0 wrote

Here's an image from 10 years earlier with the same spacing between buildings.

The placement is exactly what you'd expect to see looking from the south-southeast of the Pru and the Hancock.