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t1_j5fr0zx wrote

> I’ve tried getting the city involved but the health inspector cancelled the appointment because it didn’t fit in his schedule.

push this up the chain of command if you can. if you can't, contact your city councilor and mention this behavior, that might free up some room in this schedule. they absolutely shouldn't be cancelling on you without proper followup


t1_j5ftume wrote

This. Find the original email and CC everyone from the health inspector's immediate supervisor to the mayor, and the city council. Demand immediate action be taken due to the serious threat to life and safety.


t1_j5fu1ap wrote

That is completely unacceptable. Definitely complain to the city council.


t1_j5fu1nj wrote

Yeah, they typically come out right away from emergency inspections. Keep calling and get someone out there. Get the violations in writing.


t1_j5gjaqd wrote

Do all this, but recognize not a fucking thing will happen. I lived in an alpha realty building in 2005, it had roaches, multiple water leaks resulting in the kitchen ceiling collapsing, spitting jet black mold covered concrete all over everything. They never fixed it and I ended up moving out 3 months early because I became extremely sick. When I moved in, there was trash and used needles ALL OVER THE PLACE. That was nearly 20 years ago, good to know nothing has changed.


OP t1_j5gqhkf wrote

Oh my god I’m so sorry that happened wtaf


t1_j5grb6d wrote

This was directly next door to the MFA, that's how few fucks the city gives.


OP t1_j5grymn wrote

Did you manage to break your lease without penalty or did you pay everything that was left?


t1_j5gtq9e wrote

I paid because it was easier than spending more money and time than I could afford going after them. While I lived there I was called out by the building inspector for having an empty 6 pack on my table, a mild risk he said... Meanwhile, my room was next to the non working elevator with a giant dead cockroach in the case where a fire extinguisher was supposed to be. There were live wires hanging from the ceiling of the basement, and the windows to the entryway were broken. They must bribe the city in other words, how else does this keep going on? I can't think of another reason.


OP t1_j5ggkar wrote

Thank you to everyone on this comment - I’m following up first thing tomorrow!


OP t1_j5juzxe wrote

Got someone to come but they can’t come until Feb. 1st :( I guess for now I have to fight it on my own unless I can somehow push


t1_j5nhs89 wrote

There are a massive amount of tenants rights programs in MA, I recommend calling 211 to see if GBLS, Suffolk, or Harvard will give you a hand.

Don't let the property management co push you around, you have a lot of tools in your arsenal. Definitely make sure the health inspector comes out. Check out masslegalhelp and click around on the pages that apply to you. You can also inbox me with questions you may have regarding the situation as I do this stuff for a living. I won't be able to take you on as a client but I'm always happy to provide info and contacts.


t1_j5mm0sz wrote

Contact your city Councillor. Not the at large folks, they don’t do constituent services well. Call your district Councillor. They will get inspectional services out there and make a real problem for Anwar. Fuck that guy. I was an Alpha renter 10 years ago. It was an illegal attic apartment with no fire egress. I happily skipped out on the last two months rent and told them to keep my deposit. Fuck them.