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man2010 t1_j5hltef wrote

Banks have been reducing branches for over a decade now, and this trend is stronger in major metro areas and was accelerated by the pandemic. I don't think the opening of this specific new branch is a sign of insanity when the overall trend is the opposite


Otterfan t1_j5ic4wx wrote

In rich neighborhoods like mine (Coolidge Corner) it still feels like banks are taking over. While branches are closing at an increasing pace across the state and country, they are retreating into neighborhoods like this one.

In 15 years there won't be any bank branches left, but that's a long time to wait.


man2010 t1_j5icluv wrote

Have bank branches actually been opening more in Coolidge Corner or does it just feel that way? Because feelings aren't always the reality, and I don't feel like they're taking over Coolidge Corner at all.


GordonMaple t1_j5k57bs wrote

I think context matters here. Centre St. has been plagued by banks for decades. If a new business is opening on Centre St., odds have always been high that it's another god damn bank. It's pretty disappointing for the residents and imo a waste of space in the town's main thoroughfare.


man2010 t1_j5k63d1 wrote

This gets said about every neighborhood. In another response someone claimed Coolidge Corner is getting taken over by banks, it's constantly said about Harvard Square, and last time I made this same comment someone insisted the same about Central Square. I get that bank branches aren't desirable compared to other neighborhood businesses, but I don't think they're the plague that they get made out to be, nor do I think Centre St., Coolidge Corner, Central Sq., Harvard Sq., etc. are exceptions.