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p0rkch0ps t1_j4idojq wrote

the fuck is this title? how is this a “woke” statue. so sick of hearing this stupid buzz word


Cerberus73 t1_j4jf9na wrote

It came from the piece written by Seneca Scott, Corretta's cousin, who criticized the sculpture


p0rkch0ps t1_j4ji0p0 wrote

thanks for clearing that up. i think he has some valid points about the statue and the performative nature around it (or most any MLK celebrations). but I just get so annoyed when people use “woke” these days. sometimes I think I’m too online for my own good


Conan776 t1_j4izxqy wrote

In some circles "woke" has become equated with doing something purely symbolic or performative. It seems redundant to say that about public art though, obviously.


Grid1ess t1_j4ifb2g wrote

Some are just more woke to the woke word.

Hopefully we woke up from all this tho…

I guess leaving the /s is important. Lol

Edit: additional thought added.
