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Euler_Bernoulli t1_j6egq8x wrote

Totally agree. I can't stand delis calling themselves Jewish and then there's corned beef and swiss right at the top of the menu.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j6ehl0l wrote

I mean I get it, most Jews don't really keep kosher anymore but it's not authentic to serve shit like that.


StudioBrighton t1_j6ixbgx wrote

I'm from Colorado, and the most Jewish deli my Jewish family went to had all sorts of combinations of cheese and meat, despite the pairing not being kosher. They would give kids Bazooka Joe bubble gum when leaving where the wrapper and cartoons were written in Hebrew.


Wtf_is_this1234 t1_j6ixkcs wrote

Again, that's "Jewish style" aka bullshit. It's not really how this stuff was made the traditional way.

Do you think they serve the slop we call Chinese food in China? No.


StudioBrighton t1_j6jknyv wrote

You know there's a vast swath of Jewish Americans who don't keep Kosher to that extent right?


There's an entire cuisine theory about how immigrants had to modify their food after coming to America because of available ingredients. And how that doesn't make it any less authentic, it's just changed the category of what's authentic. Trying to gatekeep what is and isn't authentic gets ridiculous fast, because how far back do you go? "Authentic" Italian food doesn't have tomatoes because they came from America, etc.