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tacknosaddle t1_j6lj2g9 wrote

In 2021 the people who run municipal water systems across the nation had blind taste tests where Boston came out #1.

We also were tops from them in 2014 and have been the top in a similar panel of New England water in 2017.

My theory is that it's so good because when they created the Quabbin reservoir they kicked all of the population of several towns out to flood the valley, so our water is flavored by the tears of the dispossessed.


RogueInteger t1_j6ljcf5 wrote

Weirdly enough, MWRA water is literally world class and ranks above most bottled water.

The water here is superior. It is a unique thing to the metro Boston area.

Step outside though... not so good.


allexesteven t1_j6lo2fs wrote

anytime i return from a vacation, the first thing i appreciate is water


DeffNotTom t1_j6liq2g wrote

We have some of the best tap water in the country and we don't rely on wooden rooftop water tanks so it's more consistent than in NYC. My buddy's building had to have the water shut off because dead birds ended up in their tank.


PapaJack2008 t1_j6li56d wrote

The Boston reservoir, the Quabbin, means we have the best access to water than anywhere in the US. The folk there have maintained the standards for years and never get recognition. Can anyone remember the last " boil water" rule in effect here?


deadliftothersup t1_j6lmrjl wrote

If anyone is interested, the Metropolitan Waterworks Museum by Chestnut Hill is pretty dope. If the director is around, he has a ton of knowledge a d interesting personal engineering anecdotes.


justhereforporn17629 t1_j6mlg1y wrote

Water here is excellent.

Interesting fact: Boston beer company AKA Sam Adams treats the water at it's breweries elsewhere in the country to match the makeup of Boston Tap water


singalong37 t1_j6nixwv wrote

Greater Boston has MWRA water but some local sources too. Cambridge, for example, has its own water supply, so does Winchester and I think Lynn too. MWRA water is probably similar to NYC water: both systems have well kept upcountry reservoirs where the water is clean enough to avoid expensive filtration systems. I've heard only four big municipal water supply systems in the US have been able to meet federal drinking water standards without filtration systems and two of them are MWRA and New York City. When Massachusetts created the Quabbin it acquired plenty of land around the reservoir, now forested watershed land that keeps all sorts of typical contaminants like lawn fertilizer runoff from entering the water. NY's reservoirs don't have as much watershed land and the DEP has had conflicts with farms and towns in the Catskills (where the reservoirs are) over runoff, also sewage treatment systems that discharge effluent into streams that feed the reservoirs. So NY water may be a little less pure but still good enough. Philadelphia, by contrast, takes its water out of the Delaware river, downstream of Trenton, Easton, etc. Yuck.


jp112078 t1_j6lldte wrote

I grew up on drinking quabbin and have drank NYC for 10 years. They are both amazing. I drink NYC water now without any filter all day. Better than plastic bottles for sure. But use a filter if it makes u feel better


ScarletOK t1_j6mop3n wrote

Both come from reservoirs well beyond their cities. NYC water also tastes wonderful, I agree.


dbhanger t1_j6lht4s wrote

No joke Somerville has my favorite tasting water of at least a dozen cities I've lived around.


cleverphishreference t1_j6mmktk wrote

I just spent a couple days in Stamford and tried to drink the tap water … grateful to be back.


wobwobwob42 t1_j6mx3f5 wrote

I've traveled a bunch, and I always miss Boston water

in fact I'm drinking some right now


S4drobot t1_j6lk58d wrote

legit the best. Better than most water you can buy.


geminimad4 t1_j6nja0p wrote

I wonder if part of it has to do with being tolerant/"used to" your local water, but I'm often surprised how bad water smells and tastes when I travel outside of the Boston area. In particular, I find that Atlanta's water tastes and smells like chlorine, and Florida's smells like sulphur (and feels super harsh on my hair).


sea_of_joy__ OP t1_j6nus77 wrote

How is cambridge water?


mama_nita t1_j6oqhtk wrote

Personally, I think Cambridge water tastes so much different than Boston’s and I honestly hate drinking it.


AnyRound5042 t1_j6o5z5u wrote

I grew up drinking Taunton water, frequently came back brown or with visible flecks. Can't believe that garbage heap was ever considered to be the capital


willgold76 t1_j6mcx2n wrote

Native New Yorker here, lived in Boston since 2017 and I prefer NYC water to Boston. Loved in Sarasota as well, and Boston is much better than Florida water. Best water I’ve had was in Budapest. Just my two cents
