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Roszo21 t1_j695f1q wrote

I'm comfortable with using the word sympathy. It's what I feel for everyone involved. Reading about PPD psychosis, including first-hand accounts from survivors, knowing that she actively sought treatment. It's far more common than I ever knew and far less researched and talked about than it should be because medical misogyny is real. And 5% of mothers with postpartum psychosis kill themselves or their child. We know how dangerous this condition is. But because it's poorly researched, little is known about what is actually effective treatment. Electro shock therapy is a commonly recommended despite seriously side effects like memory loss.

This is a major issue with our judicial/incarceration system. This isn't a unique story; I remember reading about the mentally ill unhoused man who pushed someone into thw train; he'd been in and out of treatment for years. Your brain can be broken. And unlike other health issues, when our medical system failures to treat you effectively - even if you beg for treatment - you are a criminal and the consequences for your community are unrecoverable. We need massive investment in mental health care and treatment facilities. I'm angry that every public official isn't demanding it.