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nsolarz t1_j5pv3eo wrote

I'm gonna get downvoted to shit for this buuuut.... it looks way better in person. All these pictures from a distance far away are clearly not the intended way to view/experience it. the thing is ~20 feet tall, so your main viewpoint is looking up at it. funny how those pics don't make it to the top of r/boston...
One thing that is overlooked are the names inscribed on the walk around it, which is pretty powerful. This is not just about MLK.

Its not a perfect piece of art, but you should really experience it in person before you judge it.


Solar_Piglet t1_j5rq1nh wrote

> the thing is ~20 feet tall,

which is my biggest complaint. it ruins the aesthetic of the common. No matter where you are that thing just looks massively out of place due to its size. Its as big as the pavilion.


giritrobbins t1_j5z0hx0 wrote

It really isn't that bad. Soldiers and Sailors is fifty feet tall at the top a a hill, and the bronze relief near the state house isn't as tall but its wider and more intrusive I think.

If it was much smaller more people would climb on it and cause issues.


Solar_Piglet t1_j5zpmuo wrote

I've been there. Whether wide or tall, its volume is massive and out of place on the Common.


giritrobbins t1_j61238k wrote

And I've been by two or three times since it's opened. It's a matter of opinion about scale.


[deleted] t1_j5s4eut wrote

Am I allowed to climb on it? That might salvage it a little for me.


Solar_Piglet t1_j5tfue9 wrote

I don't recall seeing any signs saying you can't. Worst that happens is a ranger tells you to get off.


strawberryneurons t1_j5q2kqn wrote

Yeah I feel like the people complaining have nothing better to do. It’s annoying.


barfing t1_j5re11r wrote

All the complaining about this sculpture is making me like it more. Cool, you found the rude angle. Pat yourself on the back, Debbie.