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t1_j6myp87 wrote

You've posted this elsewhere in r/boston and as I pointed out to that comment since 1990 the number of bike lanes has increased dramatically while the number of homicides has plummeted. You are obviously ignoring the irrefutable correlation that additional bike lanes actually reduced homicides in the city of Boston.


t1_j6n3bfe wrote

Youre using 1990, a huge gang war year, as a bellwether. It was 33 years ago and not an average year as far as violence. We’ve had an average of 3 shootings a week so far in 2023. You are seriously trying to get me to believe that jamming (widely unused) bike lanes everywhere in the city is somehow stopping gangbangers from shooting eachother?


t1_j6n4tj0 wrote

Lmfao I mean your comment showed you’re not that intelligent. The fact that you can’t pick up simple satire is even further proof


t1_j6n7olk wrote

>You're using 1990, a huge gang war year, as a bellwether...We’ve had an average of 3 shootings a week so far in 2023.

And you're using a 3-4 week data set as a bellwether which is even less relevant when it comes to statistical analysis of overall homicide rates.

Plus there's the fact that you're repeatedly pitching some sort of fantasized connection between supposedly "unused" bike lane construction and homicides. Then you made it clear that you're completely daft when it comes to someone sarcastically taking the piss out of you (I even put the "/s" in the previous reply to try to help you out there).

I will say that if you went to Boston Public Schools we can at least use your stance on shootings & bike lanes as a prime example of educational failure here. I'll take that as a consolation.


t1_j6nftsz wrote

No, I think that they were pointing out that you are a moron, and they succeeded wildly!