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NEU_Throwaway1 t1_j6og46f wrote

The Fitchburg line right now too. Morning inbound trains are scheduled to arrive at 8:06 and 9:04 AM at North Station. This means there really is only one train the entire morning that gets you into the city in time for working hours.

Outbound trains depart North Station at 4:30 PM and 5:30 PM. Makes more sense if you work near North Station, but good luck making those departure times if you have a subway connection especially with the current reduced service and T shenanigans.

And I work in Watertown, so if the 70 is stuck in traffic and I miss the train at Waltham, I have to wait an hour in the cold.

The pre-covid schedule was a train approximately every half hour. Even if you missed a train, you wouldn't have to wait way too long. I've been driving in 99% of the time now and only taking the train when I'm way too tired or lazy to drive in rush hour traffic. I'd go back to taking the train immediately if they brought back one additional train during rush hour, or the express train.