Teachers union doesn’t seem to be able push for a closure. No idea if parents know. Any reporters here want a story. Pm me
[deleted] t1_j63clv6 wrote
FoodGuy44 t1_j63cncb wrote
So typical.
SPD-13 t1_j63cp5p wrote
Take some deep breaths champ, I’m sure the people on the internet will start behaving how you like soon
89DEALS t1_j63cwix wrote
We don’t want a story, we want pictures of turds floating down the halls.
Username7239 t1_j63d5rt wrote
Happened to us in high school. Some kid shoved a Tshirt down the pipes and flooded the first floor. He wanted to avoid MCAS
logicflawz t1_j63dgi7 wrote
Well, I heard that Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me
SpindriftRascal t1_j63dlk2 wrote
What school?
lablondi3 t1_j63dttq wrote
The baby looked at you?
Professional-Corgi81 t1_j63f9a9 wrote
Different flavor than just pulling the fire alarm all the time
StoJa9 t1_j63g7k8 wrote
Where was Super Nintendo Chalmers during all this, Ralph?
89DEALS t1_j63g98h wrote
"School's Out For SEWAGE"
-Alice Pooper
89DEALS t1_j63gb7h wrote
Just a different flavor of brown
willzyx01 t1_j63hh6i wrote
Don’t call me champ. I’ve never won anything in my life.
[deleted] t1_j63jww6 wrote
hotasspee t1_j63jzhb wrote
who’s “we”
anurodhp OP t1_j63nf1r wrote
yeah apparently this is because people have been flushing paper towels and other objects down coupled with years of neglect.
89DEALS t1_j63q9oj wrote
all of Wendy's would like to see
DumbshitOnTheRight t1_j63qtr2 wrote
There's no reason to push for a closure - call the health department. And OSHA.
StoJa9 t1_j63ti57 wrote
doesn't he say I am Idaho cause he’s wearing a potato sack or is that a different episode?
HugePens t1_j63tthj wrote
I got Lisa mixed up. Deleting
riski_click t1_j63wolw wrote
The smell is manure, and the dripping's manure. Now turn to Chapter 1 of Math Safari.
riski_click t1_j63wqlc wrote
you're gonna marry a turnip.
frankybling t1_j67pu8o wrote
nah, you have to be a reporter to get the name… OP stated that in their post.
[deleted] t1_j67y3br wrote
willzyx01 t1_j63c854 wrote
wow, you had a chance to name the school, instead decided to be useless.