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CripplingCreamPie t1_j8mjf14 wrote

Seeing your post history you don't care for specs or opinions seeing you've been asking the same question for years mate.


Crakxm t1_j8mjtzp wrote

stop shaming ppl for asking the same question in different subs


Kelefane41 OP t1_j8mjn22 wrote

When have I asked this particular question before? 🤔


The-Switcher t1_j8mtew6 wrote

Series x is more sturdy and standing rock solid while ps is wobbly as hell. Xbox also is quieter and operating at lower temperature even though have higher clock speed. It’s also smaller and easier to clean.

I would place my vote on series x


NotMyFkingProblem t1_j8o0syr wrote

Xbox has been known for power supply issues. Just look online. But I do think they are better bangs for the bucks, just not on the reliability side...


The-Switcher t1_j8qu522 wrote

Didn’t know that , sorry ! But I also had ps5 with busted power supply xd I can imagine that’s true for xbox as I had 360 with damaged ribbon connecting that touch button on front of console to mobo.


TheBloatingofIsaac t1_j8muqb8 wrote

Higher clock speed? Ps5 is literally 400 mhz more on clock speed


The-Switcher t1_j8mw28v wrote

Ps5 running at 3.5ghz vs series x 3.8


TheBloatingofIsaac t1_j8mz4we wrote

Hmm fair enough. But gpu clock speed is faster on ps5, 1800 vs 2200 smth. Cpu clock speed is faster on xbox true


The-Switcher t1_j8najqa wrote

Still we are looking at 10.3 t flop gpu at ps5 vs 12.00 at Xbox. Don’t get me wrong , my personal opinion is , so far , I’ve seen more beautiful games on ps5, but I wish they could make that console smaller , that was definetly achievable


[deleted] t1_j8my3d7 wrote

I've seen and taken apart way more ps5's than I have Xbox, but that's due to people breaking the HDMI. Ps5 is also more popular than the Xbox.

As for non-user damage, I would say I've seen more ps5's burn encoder chips or have their lasers die, although this is only a handful out of the hundreds I've worked on.

So really they are the exact same as long as you don't drop it, yank the hdmi, or spill maple syrup in it.


Kelefane41 OP t1_j8oqjq8 wrote

So you think they are both sturdy enough and well built as long as you take care of them?


[deleted] t1_j8ozw6w wrote

Unless you get massively unlucky then yeah. I've seen them infested with roaches with tomato soup inside and they still work great. Smelled terrible, but worked.


aleXDogaru_18 t1_j8or45s wrote

I have no idea which console is built better but all i can say is that i'm happy with my PS5. I have 0 issues so far (i bought it last year)


buggeredtoaster t1_j8mk4ww wrote

Since getting my steam deck my series X is just sitting there, keeping my unused switch company.


fl1p79 t1_j8my7mn wrote

I own both, gotta say the X is sturdier. But I prefer the ps5 to play


Specific_Direction_1 t1_j8qmz4z wrote

This. The build quality/design of series X is better. Doesn’t mean the PS5’s is bad though. However at the end of the day it is about the games because both are great consoles.


Ste333 t1_j8nvd97 wrote

Having had both. I’d say the Xbox has better build quality. Feels more solid. More user friendly to take apart in my opinion. With regards to reliability, I’d say they’re both pretty good. But both are open to the usual abuse of people jamming hdmi and other cables in wrong, putting them in hotbox poor airflow areas. And spilling drinks on them.


HideoSpartan t1_j8okr9o wrote

I’m on my second PS5

First Series X

PS5 just started shutting down randomly, I’m normally inquisitive enough to strip apart a console but having it die in two years with my light gaming? Yeah, wasn’t best pleased but that’s tech for you.

Both consoles are just really, luck of the draw. I could say SX all day yet you go buy one and it die the next day.

I’ve seen PSU failures for both, lasers and the Liquid Metal thing on PS5 etc

It is what it is - a lot of people are going to brush the Liquid TP aside but yeah I’ve put mine horizontal, if it turns out to be a load of crap? I know I was safe.


Kelefane41 OP t1_j8ot23c wrote

Which console runs cooler?


HideoSpartan t1_j8pcbr3 wrote

Honestly your best bet for temps would be in-depth Thermal imaging videos on YouTube.

I can certainly say my Xbox feels cooler in general and that could be for a number of reasons, my PS5 doesn’t exactly get hot and is only noisy when the disc drive spools which isn’t very often, even with a disc based game.

Generally all I care about is hot air being pushed out, which both do fine !


LLHSCKS t1_j8pxp0w wrote

Xbox One X is still my favorite. The Series X and PS5 are both awful looking. I honestly don't notice any real difference between the Series X and Xbox One X, same UI even. Xbox One X is built better than both IMO


NuuMTaQ t1_j8qaam7 wrote

Ps5 wins all day.


Acceptable-One8416 t1_j8qz6om wrote

I've played on both and have too say I was more impressed with the ps but I did stick to my Xbox for game pass mainly


garrylambb t1_j8rjxi4 wrote

If you have cannibals then sacrifice it


DylansChillin22 t1_j8smgly wrote

I main PlayStation but I got both of them


Sprally-C t1_j8yq5kz wrote

Let’s be honest most of us have been with the same console since online both are great for console gaming and do the job People argue over it all the time and each have perks and drawbacks but you’ll never settle this argument!


takk78 t1_j8zv0yt wrote

We have both in our house. Me and my son trade them back and forth all the time and love em both. But the Xbox just feels more sturdy. The PS5 is louder. It's awkwardly shaped and awkwardly huge, the stand won't stay on when trying to place horizontal. I hate having to move it from one room to another. I will be trading it in for the Slim as soon as it's available.


nathanwyer t1_j8mr74p wrote

I haven't a clue which one is built better but going on past experience, my ps4 is still running perfectly and I've had it since 2013. I've owned all other PS console and each have worked with no issue for 7+ years.

I've had my ps5 since launch and as expected it works perfectly.

I once owned an xbox 360 and it lasted 1 year before it had that red ring of death thingie.


MasterDuolingo t1_j8opqt2 wrote

Definitely Xbox Series X :) pls buy an Xbox


ll-REDDIT-ll t1_j8mzpqy wrote

Dumb question


Kelefane41 OP t1_j8oyljg wrote

Not when you haven't had a console since 1998. Probably before you were born lol


ll-REDDIT-ll t1_j8p3wds wrote

The build quality doesnt matter because theyre all pretty much the same. If you care about exclusives get a ps5 if you dont get an xbox


MDMatabangDoktor t1_j8qkutc wrote

HeynI want xbox cause its sturdy, tho I can play most of their game on PC /s


[deleted] t1_j8ml20m wrote



nathanwyer t1_j8mp8x1 wrote

This response is ridiculous. OP please ignore.

If anyone's told you they purchased a PS5 because "it's trendy" - well, they aren't gamers, their opinions mean nothing and aren't useful for the OP.


[deleted] t1_j8o7ne8 wrote



nathanwyer t1_j8oexwu wrote

Not usefull at all, not only do you not know what you're talking about, but you also just sound like an xbox fanboy.


Kelefane41 OP t1_j8olwme wrote

This isn't a bait thread. I'm genuinely interested because I'm a former pc gamer who's going back to console. So I'm trying to get my ducks in a row on which console I want to buy with my tax return money. I haven't had a console since 1998. To be honest, I don't know anything about the modern day console. But I know they both seem to be good consoles with their own sets of pros and cons.


CornishVince t1_j8nz3v4 wrote

Xbox is just better in every single way. PS fan boys hate to see it
