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Hot_Employment_3346 OP t1_j9kgodm wrote

Are you okay? I fully know how to disassemble and assemble it. It’s connecting but dying when removing usb cable, clearly a discharged dead battery.


OkSquash8739 t1_j9kh85s wrote

I am. Just find it redundant when people post completely useless topics, don't even update that they bought a new one. You just clog up the main page.

And no, you don't know how to. If you did, you wouldn't be posting here.


The-Honorary-Conny t1_j9n48wt wrote

No ones perfect in all actions and we don't know if this is their 1st or 50th controller they've fixed. Could be the first time they've made a mistake.

And idk I'd say the subreddit about consoles is the right place to talk about a consoles' controller, sure there may be more specific subreddits for it but as I don't know of any and you surely haven't suggested any, so I'd say it fits here.


OkSquash8739 t1_j9n6c8b wrote

Yes but if I claim I can do something, I will know what I did wrong as well if my fixes don't work out. If I don't know where I went wrong, I don't lie to myself and pretend that I can do said job.

Advised him to reopen it and assemble it again, might have missed something. Either way OP let the post die and went to get another controller. Posting useless threads like this is redundant. You replying here is redundant. At least I am 90% sure he will not be posting useless stuff again now.


The-Honorary-Conny t1_j9noxm1 wrote

The only redundant one here is you as you're just browbeating people for posting content which is allowed on this sub because you don't like the content. Got a issue with it, bring it up with the mods and community for a rule change and not just make this place more toxic.


OkSquash8739 t1_j9nqhuz wrote

He can post whatever he wants, dude. I will just point out if I find the post redundant or stupid.

You see, no matter what you say, will not change that or what i said/did. So yep, you are being redundant.