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Myst_Certified t1_jbl4ldz wrote

Don’t forget the fact I can do many Xbox things on my pc like join party chat, see gamer score, get achievements playing pc games and way more. All you need is a computer that runs windows. Works right out the box just hit windows key + G. Can’t really do that with a PlayStation


wezzauk85 t1_jblm1qu wrote

I note everybody is talking about online functionality and these days there's not much difference between the two.

But games......not often said that Xbox has a better set of exclusive games but if you change that to multiplayer focused games, then in my opinion, yes they do.

Interestingly, if you also start looking at gamepass third party games even and PS Plus catalogue third party games. Again there's a sway more to single player on PS Plus.


No_need_for_that99 t1_jblohwm wrote

A lot easier to play windows based games with your xbox buddies, thats why I like it more.
When I was playing ninja turtles, I had some friends over playing on my couch while I had other friends playing on gamepass pc and i think we some others from Epic games as well.

So much fun,


ZappierGamez t1_jbmx7va wrote

Idk I mainly play single player games on my Xbox


Goofyahhnamethat t1_jbqsuv8 wrote

Xbox has Roblox that many kids play and is multiplayer and the windows connectivity helps drastically


Captain_Howard t1_jbksrnp wrote

I think it was because of all the free to play online games on Xbox are totally free to play without the need of the subscription (gamepass ultimate/live gold), while Playstion offers the same for a limitted selection of games, despite they are free to play. And as a side note, Microsoft also has free cloud save while Sony Playstation needs a subscription to access that feature.


GADG3Tx87 t1_jbl9vr9 wrote

Actually that's false I'm afraid. Free to play games have always been free to play on PlayStation without the PS+ requirements. And party chat has also always been free. Cloud saves are not you are correct there.

It was in fact Microsoft who were charging people and required Xbox Live Gold to play free to play games online, access party chat and even access your own netflix account. They were called out for this two years ago because Sony wasn't doing that and it got changed as a result.



Captain_Howard t1_jbma5np wrote

Oh, I thought it was the other way around @_@. My bad


GADG3Tx87 t1_jbn4wjt wrote

Yeah it's been that way since the PS3. and it's just as well because during the time of the PS3 their online infrastructure was awful. They did have PS+ towards the end of PS3 but it was optional and not required for online play. It was a system to get two games free every month from a selection. Something that Microsoft eventually copied as a perk into XBLG. They would have had some nerve charging for online access with how unstable it was. They didn't start charging for online play until it improved at the begining if the PS4 generation. However party chat and F2P game access always remained free.

The cloud save thing though is charged for and hopefully they might match Microsoft in that regard and offer it outside of the subscription model. They removed the ability to backup saves to USB on PS5. A stupid and bizarre decision that they have been called out on.

During my time on Xbox I wasn't happy that I was being charged £50 per year for XBLG to access my own netflix account. As you read that has now stopped and rightly so. I thought MS had a nerve charging you for access to something they have no affiliation with that you are already paying for.


n1keym1key t1_jboerxb wrote

PS3 was the last time I ever played a PS game online.

I only signed in to PSN on PS4 a handful of times when I first it, then it was put away in the loft until the jailbreaks came around. After that I had no need for PSN anymore :)

Xbox Live has always been a superior service, mainly due to the fact that MS have been doing it longer and well, ya know, they are a company that's been into networking and the internet for a LOOOONG time.

If Sony ever launch a sub service that actually competes with Gamepass then i might be tempted to crack open the PS5 and sign up.


Traditional_Ad9002 OP t1_jbktycb wrote

I see. Didn’t know about that.

A couple of thoughts on your last sentence: it is a bit weird that PS doesn’t offer free cloud saves. I am very much a PS advocate, but even I have to give Xbox the edge there.

Also, last week I wanted to back up a PS5 save from ONE game to USB. Apparently you can’t do that. You have to back up the saves from all your games, and you can only use those backed up saves if you restore the console to factory settings. Pretty stupid.


GADG3Tx87 t1_jblabym wrote

I'm afraid the fellow above is wrong regarding playstation games requiring a subscription for free to play games and it was in fact the other way around. Microsoft was charging people for Xbox Live Gold to access free to play games, party chat and even your own netflix account which they were called out for two years ago and stopped it due to Sony not requiring this practice. I provided a source here.

Also PlayStation has been the leading platform for Destiny and Call of Duty for the duration of the PS4 generation. It is known that around twice as many players are playing these games on PlayStation. Sony now own the Destiny IP and the Call of Duty situation may change if Microsoft succeeds in acquiring Activision Blizzard.


n1keym1key t1_jbof84t wrote

Those two games are more popular on PS because of the exclusive DLC, early access etc that Sony paid for many times over and over. Go back to the 360 days and that was THE place to play COD because MS had the early DLC etc. Only difference is MS only locked DLC away for around 30 days or so, Sony signs these things up for as long as the developers will allow. Sometimes upto a year.

That alone makes the fact that Sony are throwing all their toys out the pram about the possible merger even more outrageous. :)