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ed8breakfast t1_j0i7wum wrote

That’s a completely valid opinion, and I can completely see where your coming from, I honestly got more enjoyment out of building my PC than just buying my Xbox, but my PC also cost around the same price, and it is much less powerful, I agree, for a lot of gamers pc is the way to go, but I don’t think that was OP’s question, he wanted to know if he should switch from PlayStation to Xbox, and I personally think you can get a lot of enjoyment from both pc and Xbox, and it ultimately depends on what kind of gamer you are.


crashdude_ t1_j0i81gv wrote

Yeah, I game alot of the time I've spent alot on my PC since I switched in 2019


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_j0ib4re wrote

Why recommend something that the dude hasn't even asked about? If they aren't asking about it why not just assume that they took the time to consider it and just stick to answering the question they asked?

It's like someone asking if they should have hotdogs or burgers for dinner and you reply with "sushi." The dude knows what he wants and narrows it down to two options. Just help him make that choice. Certainly doubt it would actually make him buy a PC.


crashdude_ t1_j0ibkhd wrote

Because he most likely wants to play games, many console players don't know the advantages of PC and I'm always gonna recommend it,


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_j0icngn wrote

Doesn't make any difference to me. A comment on reddit isn't going to be the straw that makes a person switch from Console to PC. I just see these types of comments on every single "help me decide on what console to get" thread. It isn't helpful.

I get it, PC is getting cheaper to get into and is getting more accessible while being powerful. But some people value different things in consoles than other people. Instead of acknowledging this, "get a PC" people choose to disregard it.

Edit: I'm an Xbox and PC player that tends to use my PC to game more.


crashdude_ t1_j0id1yh wrote

I understand your view, I also recommend PC for ideological reasons. I've convinced a few friends to switch to PC, I'd just feel disingenuous to myself if I don't recommend it, especially on a post like this where the OP wants to switch from PS to Xbox


CounterSYNK t1_j0lbq12 wrote

We’re not trying to be rude by saying “get a pc”. We genuinely want to enlighten someone who otherwise might not have considered it. This is a place for public discussion. We should be allowed to say whatever we want so long as it doesn’t break the rules of this subreddit and


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_j0mcycj wrote

Ah yes, going to a subreddit dedicated exclusively to consoles and thinking the people in it have never even considered a PC before. Not thinking that there may be some sort of valid reason that someone could want a console over a gaming computer.

This is a place of public discussion, we are discussing things. I am not saying you are being rude, I am saying the suggestions you make aren't helpful. About as welcome as a Jehovah's witness.


CounterSYNK t1_j0mdimo wrote

I didn’t seek out this subreddit with the specific intention of leaving comments like this. It just showed up in my home feed because it’s related to gaming. I didn’t realize that this was r/consoles at first. I just like discussing gaming. I was under the impression that you got offended by my (and the other guy in this thread’s) comments and were being defensive, hence the downvotes.


RobertWayneLewisJr t1_j0mety8 wrote

If that's true then I guess we don't have anything more to deliberate. There are trolls on the sub that bring nothing more to the table than just to buy a PC without more. I'll say your comment was more detailed and helpful than the usual. But the sentiment in my other comments remains.

As for the downvotes, I wasn't offended by your comments. I downvoted because I assumed you downvoted my comments. I would not have done it otherwise. I'll reverse that. Later.


PrinceDizzy t1_j0p7wrf wrote

This is a place for console gaming, we don't need enlightening from the mustard race thank you.