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Sea-Anywhere-799 t1_j1ggnwd wrote

Both are great consoles. Depends on what you prefer.


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1ggu3v wrote

I really like the ps5 and the fact it runs so good but the Xbox is also nice. There’s only one exclusive on ps5 I want to play though (Spider-Man). I also like that the ps5 has controllers that charge rather than take batteries like the Xbox.


ipo_007 t1_j1gi5cn wrote

You can buy an Xbox rechargeable battery pack and charge your controller


mcmatt_9 t1_j1gr562 wrote

Flip a coin, and if it lands on one but you were hoping for the other side than there is your answer


TheSogo64 t1_j1gujep wrote

Performance is better on Xbox, exclusives as of now are better on PS5, but Xbox has a whole tonne of exclusives coming out soon


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1guq91 wrote

Which ones?


TheSogo64 t1_j1guu23 wrote

Perfect Dark (I heard it might be bad because people keep leaving the studio)

I don't remember the rest sorry


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1gv629 wrote

I’ll look into it. Thanks!


TheSogo64 t1_j1gv9o8 wrote

No worries. I love my PS5 THO TBH but Xbox does have performance on lock this gen


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1gvn7y wrote

The only thing I absolutely hate about the ps5 controller is the white buttons with no color. That’s going to be hard to deal with


Rodan_Hibiki t1_j1gvp69 wrote

Would you consider a Steam Deck? PC and Xbox have most of the same games these days, and Steam has a few big former PlayStation exclusives like God of War, Spider-Man, and Horizon Zero Dawn. Plus, the Steam Deck can be docked and and played on a TV a la Nintendo Switch.


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1gvwl2 wrote

I’m not technically savvy enough for that 😅 although I have thought about a gaming pc


Rodan_Hibiki t1_j1gw7ts wrote

I don’t think you need to be technically savvy for a Steam Deck. It’s pretty much just a Switch, but more graphically powerful and has Steam instead of the Nintendo eShop.


Automatic-End-1068 OP t1_j1gx0rm wrote

So steam is pc games right? Sorry I’m a very very casual gamer and I’m also a girl so not your typical gamer lol


Rodan_Hibiki t1_j1gxmzf wrote

Yes, Steam is pretty much synonymous with PC gaming. You have access to essentially every video game under the sun other than purebred Nintendo titles, and even then there are workarounds for those. And if you’re worried about needing a keyboard & mouse, don’t be; most games offer controller support