Submitted by t3_10g8s1f in consoles

I have never owned a console and since i have started earning money, and that isn't an issue, which one is the better one ? Backwards compatibility isn't going to be important, both consoles support it for at least for 1 generation. Which console will have the best games going forward and from the last gen?

Edit. I know there are 100s of these posts on reddit. Thanks everybody for taking time and for the comments.



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t1_j519bwn wrote

The PS5 has all of the PlayStation exclusives, most are considered some of the best games of all time and are critically acclaimed. So considering you’ll have access to all of the current and last gen games as well as the PlayStation exclusives, you’ll have the biggest and best library.

Both Xbox and PlayStation have a “game pass” which allow you to pay a monthly fee to access hundreds of games, including the exclusives.

Backwards compatibility is a massive selling point for the Xbox but you said that wasn’t something you were interested in.

Xbox has slightly better performance at the cost of a smaller library and no access to any of the phenomenal exclusives PlayStation has.

That being said Xbox does have its exclusives like Gears and Halo. Unfortunately most of the big Xbox exclusives have underperformed and not garnered the critical acclaim the PlayStation ones have.

So it’s really up to whether you want a bigger library and access to some of the best games available on the market. Or a slightly smaller library, unable to access the exclusives with better performance.

I own both consoles and personally PlayStation is the main pick solely because of the exclusives. My favourite game of all time is a PlayStation exclusive and I’d prefer to have access to them, than to not.

Both are great consoles though.


t1_j51x9sj wrote

What’s your fave game? I just got a PS5 and looking for suggestions.


t1_j51y3vd wrote

The last of us part 1 and 2 are my favourites of all time. Beautiful games, incredibly emotional and they take you on a depressing journey that moved me so much.

I would also recommend the uncharted franchise, made by the same people as the last of us, more action.

Ghost of Tsushima is a beautiful samurai game about someone who has to betray all their moral codes they’ve learned to with with. The gameplay, story and world is incredible.

Bloodborne is a souls like so not for everyone, but the atmosphere is incredible. It’s dark and gothic.

Infamous Second son is a great superpower game, great open world and fun story.

God of War as a franchise is phenomenal, brutal hack and slash gameplay and a fun story. 2018 and Ragnarok are even better than the originals and have a much more in depth combat system and story.

They’re my top playstation exclusives. I can give other game recommendations that aren’t exclusives too if you’d like :)


t1_j51qnwv wrote

Xbox will give you the better experience if you are a beginner. Gamepass is the best deal in gaming right now, I suggest you check it out.

I have both consoles and the xbox is by far the better option for me. But it really depends on the games you play. Anyway, my advise is still Xbox


t1_j54msu6 wrote

I wown both consoles, both are great in their own way.. but I would recommend Xbox simply for the value of game pass, it’s such a great way to get into console gaming at a more affordable price point should that be an area your looking at.. PlayStation has a couple of fantastic single player games but if I’m being honest they aren’t earth shattering like some of the internet would have you believe! Having said all that, whatever you choose will turn out well for you I am sure

Edit: I should mention the controllers, the Xbox controllers offset analog sticks are a more comfortable fit for me at least, but the ps5 controller has a few gimmicks like adaptive triggers for example which while they are neat.. I’m one to always turn off vibrations on my controllers because they are annoying 😂


t1_j54szzd wrote

Do your on research mate.. Don't listen to these brainwashed people... Xbox is a original.. Sony get all there ideas from Microsoft. That says what the better control is... Also Microsoft is 50x more powerful.


t1_j51xepm wrote

Depends what console your friends play on. PS5 is my choice. It’s truly Next Generation. More bang for your buck go Series X. Cheaper games and better specs but the specs can’t tell the difference much. pS5 has the better ssd. Loading times quicker.


t1_j54mwxn wrote

It only loads some games faster and by about half a second.. you can’t use this as a point and deny the Xbox being more powerful then


t1_j524tre wrote

Having both they both have their pros and cons as explained by others. I like to add only the following:

The PS5 controller has adaptive resistance triggers which are a game changer especially in driving games like GT7, but I always found the Xbox controller fits my hand better and I prefer the analog sticks arrangement better.

Xbos has a bigger library of games on its pass, plus you get some promo stuff every month, for example it recently had a 3 month trial for Apple TV and Music, as well as bundles for games, like coins, resources etc. Of the two, xbox has the better subscription and you'll need one regardless of the console if you want to play online.

Also PS5 supports (PS)VR, Xbox doesn't support any VR.


t1_j52crm3 wrote

Personally I have both game pass is impossible to beat really although the PlayStation controller is better I used to be a PS Fanboy but honestly given the choice I'd get t a series x


t1_j52d9bm wrote

There’s dozens of these threads a day and I never get tired of them.


t1_j55tmlr wrote

One additional consideration is that, on a regular, retail, fresh-out-the-box Series X/S, it’s now possible to download and install fantastic emulators spanning almost the entire history of home gaming (up to Dreamcast/PS2).

I have and love both, but this alone would edge my choice in favor of Xbox.


t1_j5k6q2m wrote

…..tell me more


t1_j5lpf59 wrote

There are a few specific apps that, until recently, were only accessible if you set up your console in dev mode. These are:

  • Retroarch (8-bit up to ~PSX)
  • XBSX2 (PS2)
  • Flycast (Dreamcast)
  • PPSSPP (Sony PSP)
  • Dolphin (Gamecube/Wii)

To access these (edit: in retail mode), you need to open you Xbox's Edge browser and navigate to this github repo, and from there access the discord server. Then it's just a matter of following the prompts and downloading this apps!

Check youtube for very detailed videos on how to actually set up these apps with BIOS files and ROMs once you've downloaded them.


t1_j56rgva wrote

I did some good research and questioned the plusses and minuses and in the end i decided on xbox series x solely because of the gamepass, + the microsoft buying bethesda and working towards activision. Before i continue i need to say PS5 is 100$ more expensive where i live so that effects the conclusion from my side, after the price thing , both consoles overall perform the same with xbox having slight edge over the quick continue option while ps5 holds the win for controller point of view. If you are not that obsessed about ps5 exclusives , xbox is more value for money with gamepass considered. Hope it helps


t1_j52lyuw wrote

What's your idea? Single player experiences or multiplayer? Do your friends play games so that you can choose your console based on what they have?

If you want to play with friends just buy the same as them. But if you want single player experiences, PS5 has better games objectively speaking. In the last 10 years, apart from Forza Horizon, there's literally no Microsoft's exclusive better than a Sony's one. It's not even a competition, Sony does better games. If you like story driven third person games, Sony has the best ones. If you like FPS, PS5 has access to the main FPS games, the same happens to very single game genre possible apart from racing where Forza Horizon is easily the best racing franchise for the last 10 years (unless you like racing simulators, then you can play Assetto Corsa and games like that on your PS5 too). So yeah, what I'm saying is, buy the PS5


t1_j51gmir wrote

PlayStation 5 ! I got series x and please don’t make same mistake ! Not single good quality exclusive and forced crossplay in multiplayer games ! It means pc gamers and cheats !

You will be stuck with 3rd party games which anyway all are on PlayStation
