Ranomier t1_isgnnvn wrote
Do to it being written in typescript is it possible to host it through a webserver?
TommyX12 OP t1_ish5o6i wrote
It actually is. But currently it works on a local data file, which is not possible if it’s in browser.
Ranomier t1_ish5wpv wrote
Mmmh isn't there a local storage feature in the browser.
TommyX12 OP t1_ish5yyk wrote
Yes, but it could get wiped easily :) I will definitely look into making a browser version tho
Ranomier t1_ish6avq wrote
Mmmh. Oki :). Maybe in the future then. :). I'm running authentik and could create simple user managment through basic auth or header "auth". Then your app could store the data per user as files on my server.
TommyX12 OP t1_ish6eog wrote
I get what you mean. It could be made into a server client architecture. Will put on roadmap :)
MrHaxx1 t1_isgxowo wrote
I don't really need this myself, but it looks super nice. I'll bookmark in case I ever need something like this.
TommyX12 OP t1_ish5m0g wrote
Ranomier t1_isgks1m wrote
Do any of your time tracker have like a play button? :)
Like i choose an item to track and it will add time until i stop.
TommyX12 OP t1_isgl397 wrote
Not yet, but definitely a useful feature to add; will put on the roadmap. A few years back I had a toy time tracker that had this feature, but I usually forget to “stop” it so it frequently ended up with huge long time sessions because I didn’t turn it off 😭
Ranomier t1_isgl8zt wrote
I understand, but for me it feels way more satisfiyng to press the stop button :)
[deleted] t1_isgl1wl wrote
TommyX12 OP t1_isgfm1o wrote
I’ve also built a time manager in the past at maybe some will find that helpful too :)