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only_the_office t1_j9zzztj wrote

Penultimate means “second to last,” is that what you meant? If so, then who is the last girl?


HeliSieni OP t1_ja01t9g wrote

The final girl is the one who gets the revenge arc. The penultimate girl is the one who suffers the most


housemon t1_ja2gh6p wrote

Wtf does this even mean lol


Little_Hamlet t1_ja32vm8 wrote

It’s a reference to a horror movie trope, so the “final girl” is the girl in the horror movie who survives and kills the bad guy when all the other young people get killed, like in the Friday the 13th movies.


Funtclaps1988 t1_ja05elv wrote

I'm sure I saw this girl down at Tesco today. I live in that kind of town lol


Gooey2113 t1_ja1k6sq wrote

Spooky. Love the art and the title!!!


ratmand t1_ja38syr wrote

Looks like the Thing about to split open the head to get you.


UnbrokenWhite t1_ja1t1vd wrote

Something about the mouth actually made me yawn. Very visually striking.


Middleman86 t1_ja3l73g wrote

The just slightly off features are done so well. Its just enough to be really uncomfortable but doesn’t cross the line into cartoonish. Kind of hard to stop looking at it. The fuck is happening with the mouth?!?


HeliSieni OP t1_ja403ms wrote

Thank you!! I always try to use some references even for the more unnatural features. For this drawing it meant looking into medical eye conditions.The mouth hopefully keeps on bothering you in the small hours of the night


noradicca t1_ja9bwnh wrote

I don’t know what penultimate means (don’t want to google). But she’s got something nasty in her mouth. Not in a kinky way.


housemon t1_ja2gfqa wrote

Style needs work


HeliSieni OP t1_ja2hl25 wrote

Well, don't leave me guessing. How would you improve it?


housemon t1_ja2jnoy wrote

Vanishing lines/perspective points don’t match.

The delineation between the wall, tile, and water is sort of nebulous and hard to parse.

No reflection on water.

Water level doesn’t match.

Top of the head is oddly flat.

Tongue doesn’t make any sense. Nor do the irises.
this may have been deliberate, but I can’t tell, so listing it.

Don’t get me wrong. Not saying your work is bad. Shading is fantastic and I think you have something to convey that is awesome. Don’t know what the hell you meant with the “penultimate” but no biggie. But the foundation needs work. Vanishing lines first is my recommendation. If you mess those up everything feels off. Good piece though.

Oh also no chin or jawline to speak of, and actually doesn’t look like a girl at all.


HeliSieni OP t1_ja2mvpp wrote

Thank you. Perspective is definitely something that needs work, I agree.


Sleevey27 t1_ja33cuq wrote

Perspective is hard. I’m struggling with it as well. I disagree with some of their points - especially the last sentence - and I certainly disagree with their tone. Scrolling through your profile, you obviously have a lot of skill and a good eye. And I think I know exactly what your title means.


HeliSieni OP t1_ja3yf9m wrote

Many thanks, your comment really brightened my day :) It's definitely difficult to pick up the potentially useful criticism when the tone is unkind -but that's to be expected when sharing on reddit