Submitted by sloppjockey_ert t3_123ysko in creepy
[deleted] t1_jdx12r7 wrote
TyFireeagle t1_jdx1pke wrote
This reminds me of Dimmu Borgir
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_jdx3ff0 wrote
prints available here:
i81u812 t1_jdx3sxi wrote
This is dope.
Sweedo17 t1_jdx54yy wrote
This remind me of the very unpopular game scorn
ReplacableBitch t1_jdx5vjh wrote
That's badass
Scary-Helicopter5208 t1_jdx6l74 wrote
I wish it had eyeholes of darkness.
Ari_Bo t1_jdx7cjv wrote
That's a really interesting take on watercolors. I loved how you used a more "soft medium" to give more texture on the skin. Absolutely a fan of it.
Gunfreak2217 t1_jdx7txr wrote
Refit crazy sometimes. People will tag any art with the slightest hint of nipple “nsfw” but literal corpse murder amputation horror? Nahhhh
SuspiciousWorth1166 t1_jdx9lnn wrote
Relatable really.
C_The_Bear t1_jdx9war wrote
Am I seeing some Francis Bacon inspiration with the viscera?
einhornschlag t1_jdxab6i wrote
Love your work!!
choff22 t1_jdxb55m wrote
“The box. You opened it, we came.”
frosidon t1_jdxb8l6 wrote
Is he ok?
ZoloftXL t1_jdxchyc wrote
Amazing work! Ever sell any of your work?
Edit: found your print site in link tree
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_jdxcunm wrote
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_jdxcyk5 wrote
I do! links to my shops are on my profile
x4ty2 t1_jdxdf0w wrote
Oh nice. I love how wet and uncomfortably squelchy it looks
DarkSoldier84 t1_jdxdj1v wrote
How did you do a self-portrait if you have no arms or eyes?
DreamLordSeverin t1_jdxfnee wrote
I like your work. Will check out the store
C_The_Bear t1_jdxg52m wrote
The jaw is what made me think of him most! You’ve got such great tension of the allure of the body with the aversion of the spikes and the gore
nonya33 t1_jdxgyz6 wrote
I love this. It's horrific. But the color contrast and softness makes it romantic. It's great work!
cawsking555 t1_jdxgzqn wrote
nan that is 40k art
dearvalentina t1_jdxjncf wrote
Disco Elysium lookin ahh
derpybull94 t1_jdxm0x9 wrote
Watercolor? Wow!
c1ue1ess1 t1_jdxodlf wrote
Love it man, great art style, would love to see more
concretesherpa t1_jdxp638 wrote
This is rad
ThatLaughingStock t1_jdxs5xe wrote
You can find more on instagram and etsy !
c1ue1ess1 t1_jdxtebh wrote
Mind sending me the Etsy? :)
Edit: found in profile, cheers!
Typicaldrugdealer t1_jdxunv8 wrote
Mood rn
JackieMeeking t1_jdxut6p wrote
jpfeifer22 t1_jdxuvbg wrote
For a second I interpreted "self" as "self-portrait" and was like "bro you need to see a doctor" lol
yoloswagrofl t1_jdxvk54 wrote
I’ve followed you on insta for years! I absolutely love your art style!
LookMaNoPride t1_jdxw1cr wrote
We have such sights to show you.
serbianmom t1_jdxw3q2 wrote
Very gross but wow
choff22 t1_jdxxqws wrote
“No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”
EvernightStrangely t1_jdxyhpw wrote
"We'll tear your soul apart!"
[deleted] t1_jdy035q wrote
Spuddmann1987 t1_jdy0g7l wrote
I was thinking Cannibal Corpse, specifically the "Vile" cover.
TickleTigger123 t1_jdy28n9 wrote
This does look an awful lot like electrochemistry lol
anabethdubois t1_jdy3ldo wrote
this is amazing 🤩
ScrotoFaggins t1_jdy3mjk wrote
Greater delights await.
gloomyblue t1_jdy4cgn wrote
I love it! Do you sell prints?
[deleted] t1_jdy4og5 wrote
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_jdy5mb0 wrote
I do! links are on my profile
Agitated_Joke_9473 t1_jdy5nv4 wrote
the inner orc
A-terrible-time t1_jdy6ssf wrote
As an empath, I can sense that they might have encountered some pain recently.
cave_wizard t1_jdy76qz wrote
If you're into death metal and this art, he did the cover for this Defacement album
titz4tatz t1_jdy7cvm wrote
So good. It’s so gross, but so perfect.
phillsphan7 t1_jdy81w7 wrote
LittleLachrymose t1_jdy931w wrote
gofishx t1_jdy9ntf wrote
hugehuman t1_jdyaib6 wrote
And Pain Threshold, like both got mixed together
DoorAndRat t1_jdyc9qv wrote
Nice, I've been following your Instagram page for a while and I'm a fan
backstib t1_jdyclq9 wrote
Disco Elysium type beat
Cavscout2838 t1_jdydcpq wrote
Absolutely outstanding work.
IAMTHEFELIPEGOD t1_jdye2we wrote
You have a problem because you made this
I have a problem because I love this
This is so cool!
sweettooth214 t1_jdyglt9 wrote
This looks like something from Layers of Fear
Venom1462 t1_jdyi5xx wrote
Woah looks amazing
Kenneth_Naughton t1_jdyj7oo wrote
He was already ripped but decided to take it to the next level
CodeZeta t1_jdyj8bv wrote
>Pain Threshold
Came looking for this comment.Instantly saw Pain Threshold on it too.
"Dolores Dei... Dolores"
bwanabass t1_jdyjct0 wrote
Yup, Uncle Frank
Ebonicus t1_jdyju2k wrote
Looks awesome The shoulders a bit too meaty for a body that starved tho.
radical01 t1_jdyk4t4 wrote
Can I use this for album art?
Spuddmann1987 t1_jdykhob wrote
I love death metal! Thanks, I'll check them out.
Aph_9000 t1_jdykix7 wrote
Leaking, or red blood god spermies tryna make you evolve into your next phase?
theartfulcodger t1_jdykn63 wrote
Very Francis Bacon … with a side of Event Horizon.
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_jdylhnp wrote
email me about my rates for licensing album art
ItalianHandEmoji t1_jdyn7zr wrote
Me if Harry DuBois
tthrillz t1_jdynud8 wrote
unghh i get so fuckin jazzed every time i see slopp on my front page 😩😍
[deleted] t1_jdyojlg wrote
Advocate_Diplomacy t1_jdyop99 wrote
Makes me think of The Thing.
KiwiBeep t1_jdyptrn wrote
Oooh, I follow you on IG and Twitter. You are the best
Healter-Skelter t1_jdys39b wrote
Is that from Hellraiser?
Gemrhia_Twinstone25 t1_jdytiln wrote
Woah how'd you get the embodiment of my self loathing here?
(No but in all seriousness this is gorgeous. The colors and everything about this is just wonderful! You're so talented!)
MesaGeek t1_jdytpgz wrote
Who hurt you?
auglakelife t1_jdyvf6v wrote
Are you ok
87octane t1_jdywica wrote
This is so fuckin sick dude I love it
Hooch247 t1_jdywl2r wrote
1989 Joker approved.
No_Individual501 t1_jdywmze wrote
[deleted] t1_jdyy2mp wrote
EvilDucktator t1_jdyyeig wrote
Would you like to do creature design for an indie horror anthology?
throwawayanon0211 t1_jdyyxzc wrote
This is absolutely amazing. You have a lot of talent! Feel free to promote your art if you’re selling.
Xlcxtrxz t1_jdz054h wrote
thefrostmakesaflower t1_jdz1q63 wrote
Indeed it is
NotDiCaprio t1_jdz238m wrote
This has both, and is not flagged as NSFW. So indulge yourself in the innocence of this picture!
Renegadegold t1_jdz2g2o wrote
You can land a job with a video game company!
anima99 t1_jdz4ysf wrote
Reminds me of Eve in Evangelion.
paleartist t1_jdz55ng wrote
sloppjockey never misses
MasterJeebus t1_jdz5efs wrote
Ah, the suffering. The sweet, sweet suffering.
sea_of_gingers t1_jdz5xhb wrote
This made me scroll thru your other works, AMAZING.
amerikanbeat t1_jdz76vq wrote
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_jdz7w14 wrote
Yeah, the cover for Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia.
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_jdz7xwa wrote
I was so excited for it. Been waiting years and it was just so boring.
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_jdz8a0j wrote
I agree. As someone who is also an empath, and probably a better one, I can imagine their pain and it's literally making me cry thinking about how good at being an empath I am, it's a blessing and a curse really. It's just another reminder that people like me are so important to the world.
PhilosopherActive677 t1_jdz9ja0 wrote
Fucking shit, that's awesome
Badeindi t1_jdz9v0h wrote
Nice, where can i buy it? :-)
1078Garage t1_jdzaks5 wrote
100% my first thought
Kind_Vanilla7593 t1_jdzbo17 wrote
Gives off some Hellraiser slash Silent Hill vibes🖤💀
SpookDaddy- t1_jdzcwkp wrote
body goals
BriganteAB t1_jdzd8lb wrote
Sweedo17 t1_jdzdwq6 wrote
Yeah it kinda sucked
Zebras-are-cool t1_jdze7b7 wrote
Getting Layers of Fear vibes
plzdntbanbro t1_jdzerzh wrote
are you okay, OP?
redconvict t1_jdzjtw1 wrote
Would love to see a workflow breakdown for something like this.
FOXMCP t1_jdzk8os wrote
My new phonescreen
Antha1969 t1_jdzknd3 wrote
That took some skill!❤️
spreadtheirentrails t1_jdzmcsb wrote
Followed you for a few years now, my girlfriend and I LOVE your art. Nice to see you on reddit! I had to check to make sure it was actually you lol
MattSilverwolf t1_jdzmhvq wrote
I have to wonder, was any of this inspired by the video of the guy who blew his own face off?
ArsenicAndRoses t1_jdzqxqp wrote
Oh shit, it's Dusty Ray!
I follow you on Instagram ❤️
Love your stuff. Grabbed a few prints a while back.
Smilee_Dee t1_jdzri71 wrote
krispykurl t1_jdzvetg wrote
Finally something worthy of this page
Ricecookerless t1_je0b8jk wrote
Oh I follow you on insta, didn’t know you were in reddit too. I enjoy your works!
HeroicJakobis t1_je0dp10 wrote
doofcustard t1_je0epwh wrote
"Don't worry about me, I'm 'armless!"
_reddit_account t1_je0fuyq wrote
Are you ok ?
cosyblanket t1_je0k4kb wrote
Do you have Instagram account? It is very similar to the work of an artist I saw on Instagram.
Willyzyx t1_je0k4ke wrote
Really cool! I like it a lot, well done.
sassy959 t1_je0lc9q wrote
Ronin_Vector t1_je0nmte wrote
I love it!
xxtentaJake t1_je0rhoz wrote
I follow you on Instagram since 2-3 Years ago! I really love your art a lot, it means a lot to me
Fl0renc t1_je0s8e4 wrote
Leaked concept art for the new Silent Hill!
piinkmoth t1_je0smey wrote
I found your stuff on tumblr and fell in love!! Your pieces are so beautiful and visceral at the same time. So many kudos to you. Absolutely haunting work you just can’t look away from.
Individual99991 t1_je0utyq wrote
Le epic Francis Bacon.
Codexnecro t1_je0wrtn wrote
Nice, this is pretty cool. I like the art you did (or was bought, dunno) for Defacement's last record.
happinesstolerant t1_je14rpv wrote
Stop it. Get some help.
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_je1dfy6 wrote
jeeper46 t1_je1di6z wrote
Why would you make such an ugly thing?
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_je1e3qf wrote
the art understander has logged on. why are you so empty inside you feel the need to insult things you don't understand?
sloppjockey_ert OP t1_je1ecd8 wrote
lmao this is from 2019
-Dahl- t1_je1fd3u wrote
this is so well done
h_djo t1_je1i25c wrote
Alice in chain next cover album
GigaChadXO21 t1_je285z8 wrote
Reminds me a little bit of the clickers from The Last of Us but without all the fungus sticking out of the face
Lost_Way7698 t1_je2bv9c wrote
That's exactly what I thought lol
Lost_Way7698 t1_je2bxmv wrote
Hellraiser anyone
[deleted] t1_je2ceog wrote
Tacoballerina4 t1_je2e8t0 wrote
Jesus... I love it!
LuBunnii t1_je2watb wrote
What i imagine a skinwalker looks like
Ihavelongintestines t1_je3y1aa wrote
I am going to name it Nathaniel
tiggeris t1_je55nl3 wrote
this goes extremely hard
PFPart t1_jegrg51 wrote
This artist has been doing these things from way before Scorn was out
Sweedo17 t1_jegssv7 wrote
That wouldn’t surprise me
[deleted] t1_jdx0ttu wrote