xuxa_xochitl t1_iqmuecf wrote
This reminds me of that photo of a skull that had bone cancer. Very unsettling, great work! 👍
xrev_v OP t1_iqmunim wrote
Thank you!
xrev_v OP t1_iqmwjlp wrote
I haven't watched it
Thisisnotunieque t1_iqmxa0b wrote
For some reason, this reminds me of the proto-molecule from The Expanse. I like it!!
IgorBaggins t1_iqmy4on wrote
"bro you gotta help me clean the car sometimes"
Ash4d t1_iqn04j6 wrote
It reaches out.
KirbyFan999 t1_iqn18se wrote
Gigachad fans after they find out he sells NFTs
Computer_Ghost t1_iqn3b8s wrote
I saw a photo of bone cancer that looks oddly similar to that.
Sciencejesus-saves t1_iqn5mau wrote
How it feels to chew 5 gum
LoveStoned7 t1_iqn6pnj wrote
Needs some pore strips for his nose
RustyWinchester t1_iqn7109 wrote
Give it a go, books or show. Both are good.
Milotic_main_btw t1_iqn72s0 wrote
It reaches out.
IAmYourShadow t1_iqn86sf wrote
Yeah me to. Proto or tiberium.
xrev_v OP t1_iqnan45 wrote
Thank you!
Pastawench t1_iqnbkw7 wrote
Honest question: can you tell me what about it is unsettling/disgusting? I'd like to understand the viewpoint, because it doesn't bother me.
barbarkbarkov t1_iqnc05i wrote
This would be such a great horror videogame enemy
JD0x0 t1_iqnd0db wrote
Reminds me of bone cancer.
dr_bluthgeld t1_iqnfgug wrote
Looks like Nick Valentine left in the rain, great work :)
Audiophile_405 t1_iqng797 wrote
Valentine lookin like he went through Requiem for a dream.
sparklebrothers t1_iqni20y wrote
Abandoned bot rusts through its exo-skin.
MortalMorals t1_iqnju8v wrote
His famous last words:
You'll never take me alive, copper!
AgentiMi t1_iqnk8g4 wrote
truckerjesus t1_iqnnxm8 wrote
SpotNL t1_iqnpaff wrote
I think it is the tiny details that make my skin itch. Just imagining it on my skin, i guess. Possibly also a lingering trauma from the first time I saw Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis.
Lickamyballsa t1_iqnq1hp wrote
winter is coming
Pookypoo t1_iqnsd58 wrote
First thing that came to mind here too!
BiggWorm1988 t1_iqnvvog wrote
Looks like a wicked STD
Starbush t1_iqnvyhv wrote
Came here to comment exactly this, was actually just listening to the Leviathan Wakens and got to the part where they discovered Julie, it's exactly how I imagined it!
Adrian_sierra114 t1_iqnwbyk wrote
Synth from Fallout
Fingerdeus t1_iqnwgjo wrote
Whats the meaning behind the name?
FauxxHawwk t1_iqnxd3h wrote
How are artists so good at drawing but so shitty at coming up with titles
xrev_v OP t1_iqnyh30 wrote
It's just "copper", but stylized
xrev_v OP t1_iqnynbi wrote
eenook t1_iqnzi6o wrote
Why did I Google that?
ChristopherDuntsch t1_iqo6wgf wrote
Thank you! I really love this.
prosperos-mistress t1_iqo7vlz wrote
This makes me uncomfortable. Good job!
NordenOnFire t1_iqo8iz6 wrote
"cxppr" my mind immediately went to sex paper
Shankar_0 t1_iqob45z wrote
I came here to say this. If OP said it was his take on protomolecule infection I'd have totally believed it.
CyGuy6587 t1_iqobkq3 wrote
Nick Valentine was my first thought too. I actually have a mod that makes him more HD and gives him blue eyes, rather than the default yellow
Thisisnotunieque t1_iqod1c9 wrote
Right on! I'm currently waiting 8 weeks on hold at my library for Cibola Burn audio book. Can't come soon enough! Such a great story
Grandahl13 t1_iqofa0g wrote
This is gross. Good job.
illwillpower t1_iqoj8wv wrote
Reminds me of “the cinnamon challenge” videos at the end
Andytchisholm t1_iqol016 wrote
I came here to make the exact same comment. This is exactly how I pictured it.
uhh_laynaa t1_iqolrem wrote
we have a 2319!
porchpooper t1_iqoolwk wrote
It’s a white walker from Pyke
TimTimBuckTooth t1_iqoq35x wrote
White walkers from GOT. Shout out to the good seasons!
Trailing-and-Blazing t1_iqoqzg4 wrote
Kevin Durant?
A-Beautiful-Scar t1_iqov6ef wrote
Strong work! This looks amazing 🤘
xrev_v OP t1_iqov8ks wrote
Thank you!
xrev_v OP t1_iqova0i wrote
Thank you!
CaffeineandSheen t1_iqozgv8 wrote
Ultra realistic Nick Valentine
save_us_catman t1_iqozijp wrote
I was thinking the aliens from Prometheus especially when they just have the head (just rewatched)
Coly1111 t1_iqp95zz wrote
First thing that came to mind
10_Eyes_8_Truths t1_iqpbfae wrote
well at least he hasn't gone full Vecna...yet
findallthebears t1_iqpcdew wrote
Jonny_Be_Good t1_iqpdkg0 wrote
glad to see the top comment is The Expanse related. That show deserves GoT levels of watchers in my opinion.
Jonny_Be_Good t1_iqpdp6w wrote
113 times a second it reaches out
MyDearBrotherNumpsay t1_iqpg940 wrote
It’s 3d
Renegadegold t1_iqph5oe wrote
Don’t let Elon Musk see this!
Dilapidated_Monk t1_iqpiqut wrote
Lol I was going to comment the same! Just finished the first book last night and just started number two
Thisisnotunieque t1_iqpjudp wrote
You lucky duck. I'm only 4 books in but I already wish I could forget them just to listen to them again for the first time
Thatdamnalex t1_iqpkl46 wrote
Looks AI generated
bearatrooper t1_iqplfwp wrote
"Mother says it is my turn to use the Xbox."
Shadowveil666 t1_iqpp8aj wrote
verscharren1 t1_iqppqx1 wrote
Dima looks fuzzy
eldridge2e t1_iqps2fa wrote
if the "zombie" from "I am Legend" and proto molecule from the expanse met...
PixelatedPope t1_iqpsfb1 wrote
Just finished Cibola 10 minutes ago! So good!
MahLilThrowaway t1_iqpst17 wrote
I did too, about a month ago. I guess it’s about time to get started on Nemesis Games!
Easy-Map-2623 t1_iqpsxsk wrote
The photorealistic rendering paired with distorted eyes makes me wonder if this is AI generated art
WednesdayThrowItAway t1_iqpvbgq wrote
This reminds me of the "shiners". The mutants from Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun. Where they have Tiberium crystals growing on their bodies.
Knightshade06 t1_iqpwjvk wrote
is it 3d modeling or ai generation?
Single-Bad-5951 t1_iqq2x4q wrote
For some reason the title reminded me of "crispr" gene editing technology and I thought it might be a commentary about the unintended side effects
CornCheeseMafia t1_iqq6drp wrote
My only that I have boneitis.
FatLarrysHotTip t1_iqq6mm1 wrote
Effects of Tiberium on the body.
thewizardofjozh t1_iqq81sg wrote
I'm not a cxppr
FloogleMuhDoogle t1_iqqdt3l wrote
He needs a good shaving. After that, right as rain
TranslatorMental1219 t1_iqqezna wrote
i dont like emojis so clap clap clap
TheElderestElder t1_iqqggg9 wrote
ak47bossness t1_iqqgmsk wrote
Can I boop that fuzzy nose? Looks heckin boopable
Mistophant t1_iqqgyl2 wrote
Great job, makes me think of the fuzzy junk that sometimes comes out of old batteries, I hate the feeling it evokes.
bobleeswagger09 t1_iqqje5h wrote
Somebody needs to show ole boy how to shave properly. He’s all over the place!
AzrielJohnson t1_iqqjxco wrote
The Night King from game of thrones except mold.
The Mold King.
GoodEater29 t1_iqqlauz wrote
Why does he look like benedict cumberbatch?
alesimula97 t1_iqqntd3 wrote
Looks like Markus from Detroit become human
bit1101 t1_iqqo8a2 wrote
Now the colours, sharpness and cancerous patina make sense.
Title could be more obvious. Copr?
listenupsonny t1_iqqqs0z wrote
Its a Synth
xrev_v OP t1_iqqrlwx wrote
The stylization is consistent across my pieces, so it has to be that way
xrev_v OP t1_iqqrpyv wrote
It's not
xrev_v OP t1_iqqruo1 wrote
It's just "copper", but stylized
xrev_v OP t1_iqqryoq wrote
3D. Mostly Blender + Affinity Photo. No AI
xrev_v OP t1_iqqs075 wrote
Thank you! It's all in the shader
bit1101 t1_iqqsksj wrote
>it has to be that way
Pfft - artists. 😄 I checked your others and yeah I get it. Cool series.
xrev_v OP t1_iqqtfz4 wrote
Thank you!
ChunkYards t1_iqqv6hl wrote
I haaaaate this. Excellent job
oldmanfartface t1_iqqvvo6 wrote
I love this. Can we get a NSFW tag? 😑
[deleted] t1_iqqvwww wrote
Knightshade06 t1_iqrgkwm wrote
then you are incredible
JesusSaysitsOkay t1_iqrhheh wrote
Reminds me of the sea turtles covered in algae
xrev_v OP t1_iqri6nu wrote
Thank you so much!
OkResult7708 t1_is585ls wrote
This is covered in the FAQ first..?
Missy_went_missing t1_iqmrfxn wrote
Valentine? Is that you?