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DasKobold t1_iqnvrsa wrote

Made by you, or Midjourney ?


dindumufflin t1_iqpur2n wrote

immediate thought as well. no reply means yup midjourney

looks edited slightly, but that's about it.


Fawaffle_YT t1_iqpyowg wrote

So I know this artist (not personally) and the posts they make, all look like AI, definitely probably is AI, but there are some that leave room for question on their other socials. While this is an AI images with rather crude photoshop work I still wonder if there are original pieces of his.

The fact he is selling the more blatantly AI looking ones is a little strange, however most of his art is pretty decent. There was one pice in particular that didn’t look like his, and to the OC, im wondering if your selling art that isn’t yours per-say.


TikkiTakiTomtom t1_iqr28ez wrote

Honestly though this looks simple enough to not use Midjourney.

There’s probably 4 colors here.

Foreground is mostly all black. Kinda straightforward I think.


WonderWaage t1_iqropg5 wrote

Yeah. It could be the monster thing layed ontop of a tree scene (with a filter). You have the drop shadow, which Midjourney won't do. The reason that leads me to thinking the monster, at least, is midjourney, is those branch things on the horns. But there's 100% some photoshop here, maybe or maybe not in addition to midjourney.


dindumufflin t1_iqt9m8m wrote

Simplicity doesn't mean it can't be AI. The parameters you put in can be quite simple. I've seen plenty of AI art that are very similar to this, both in color and the way it'll overlap objects on top of each other (trees on horns).


xUN_Owen t1_iqq1n6e wrote

Now all drawing resemble Midjourney or other AI stuff, really F for artists


HallowskulledHorror t1_iqrtrv3 wrote

Rather, it's the other way around because of how it works. That's part of many people's distaste for it - it's the homogenized chicken-nugget/sausage version of art. For those that have an eye for spotting the Midjourney textures/flaws (which are key to it - the creators have been very open about wanting their engine to have a specific, identifiable 'flavor'), no matter how impressive the result, if you lean on it too heavily for the bulk of any given piece it comes across just as lazy as using a series of filters in photoshop on someone else's photo or drawing.


xUN_Owen t1_iqs67gh wrote

I think that for now it's still a bit recognizable seeing if an AI did some work of art. But in the future, and for me it's like 2-3 years, AI art wil be up to human so much that could pass the "Turing Test of art". I mean just now you could build a Gan an train it to generate drawings, like "this people do not exists" level.

We should prepare and worry to see people winning art competitions using AI...


HallowskulledHorror t1_iqs7go0 wrote

I don't think there needs to be concern if we have consistent standards and practices regarding the ethic of citing medium and skills used.

The comparison I use is the difference between saying 'watercolor' and 'digital watercolor.' A well done digital watercolor painting is still art, but it doesn't utilize the same skill sets or tools, and is not constrained by the same limitations, so it's considered dishonest and unethical to represent a digital painting as an analog one; but the digital painting isn't less of an art piece for being digital.

AI gives people the ability to step into the role of producer/director rather than artist. The problem is that, at this time, we have a lot of people thinking it's okay to go the early 'Walt Disney' route - ie, taking FULL credit for being the prompter/director, but not acknowledging the talent and labor of the people making the actual art. Basically, the AI needs to be seen/treated as not just a tool, but a collaborator, and the ethical standard that should be applied is basic credit at minimum. For example, if you commissioned a human to do all the line work for a piece and then you colored it in, even if you did an AMAZING job with the colors, it'd be fucked up/selfish/narcissistic /etc to be like "here is my original art piece!" and say nothing about the person that made the line art for you.

TLDR; don't ban AI art from competitions - create a new category for 'AI assisted or created works,' normalize the view that it's dishonest and unethical to present AI assisted/derived works to be presented as the result of organic skill/talent/artistic eye.


PootisPlus t1_iqpslve wrote

The horned serpent lives


WonderWaage t1_iqqqdyo wrote

The Knights Who Say Mi!djourney


diegokabal t1_iqpnd3w wrote

Is this "The Beast" from over the garden wall?


invectioncoven t1_iqq5gz6 wrote

I thought that, but I also get a strong Nazgul from ralph bakshi's lord of the rings vibe


Swift73 t1_iqqtj7h wrote

I have been making photos of my friends Tiefling warlock for our strahd D&D campaign. 80% of all my photos look identical to this. This is without a doubt Midjourney.


WonderWaage t1_iquylq4 wrote

Right. I've been looking at his webpage (selling prints for 45€). I found this one to be particularly revealing. As you say, you've been doing DnD stuff in Midjourney (so have I) I reckon this will be revealing to you as well, given Midjourney "ability" to do full body shots.

I will say that I think he retouches it in Photoshop. Adding drop shadows, adding the "old film" filter, doing B/W, and those glowy eyes (Like Elijah Wood's character in Sin City)


Lior_Thundersword t1_iqq6ma3 wrote

This gives to me Shadow of the Collosus vibes. >!At the end of the game Wander becomes a beast with similar design.!<


henrythe808th t1_iqoax5f wrote

Nice work mate! You really nailed the vibe 👊


Azatis t1_iqoim3y wrote

Really cool


jsv1890 t1_iqqltzc wrote

We are the knights who say “Ne “.

Great picture.


Dryu_nya t1_iqqswoz wrote

That's the Hollow Knight.


Outrageous_Use_574 t1_iqqu0kk wrote

He wondered those forests for an eternity, no one knew how long, but the earth did.


Lost_Way7698 t1_iqrsehq wrote

This makes me think of krampulauf


alpinedon t1_iqs05oi wrote

I’d like to put this in my digital notebook if that’s ok. I’m a horror writer and I find this very inspiring


Tomoko_Oishi t1_iqnxdjo wrote

Great job, would be a good book/album cover!


SirJTheRed t1_iqpm4iw wrote

_boiservt looking ass
