Submitted by the_walrus003 t3_xzuo7k in creepy
Remarkable_Seaweed65 t1_iroosri wrote
Amazing work, do you create for requests? With compensation of course
Forward-Olive-9903 t1_iropp3w wrote
Fuckin awesome dude!
Parking-Passenger865 t1_iroqxwv wrote
Crossfire5000 t1_iror60u wrote
Great piece of art!
Metal_Inquisition t1_irozaic wrote
Absolutely love this. This could be any death metal band album cover.
ManikShamanik t1_irp1x7i wrote
How much DMT was involved in the creation of this...?
Dragon_Disciple t1_irpalkz wrote
This would make an awesome trading card backing for a horror-themed trading card game.
DrSousaphone t1_irpcxnx wrote
22 minutes into playing SCP-407
mistersmith_22 t1_irpdejr wrote
Cool stuff. Reminds me of Skinner - if you don’t know that dude look him up, super rad shit and like the nicest guy ever.
TroopCoopPoop t1_irpj176 wrote
New wallpaper 👌
Lethal1484 t1_irplh6v wrote
Grandpa Nurgle would like to have a word.
KrombopulusBlake t1_irpn04j wrote
Metal as fuck.
MagnaOctus27 t1_irpodcd wrote
Berserk vibes
Charlie2410 t1_irpqr4n wrote
Looks cool! That head on the left corner looks like Henrietta
Cycosis010 t1_irpqv14 wrote
Very nice
builtlikethewall t1_irpr0pk wrote
This would make an incredible hardcore shirt. This on the back blown up, with "tumors of creation" in metal font on the left breast.
FunkyOnionPeel t1_irprqfa wrote
Yo, really nice work! I love it.
CaptainWellingtonIII t1_irpul5g wrote
The gods know humanity was a bad idea.
justforfun574 t1_irpwaxw wrote
That's awesome.
The00Taco t1_irpwxf0 wrote
Reminded me of that scene >!with that lady made of troll guts!<
PaulaDeansButter t1_irq49le wrote
And thats how eren saved everyone from a cave in
SuckingGodsFinger t1_irq6n1p wrote
That is beautiful!
AMetalWorld t1_irqaxy0 wrote
the_walrus003 OP t1_irqbuat wrote
Yes Man i take commissions
the_walrus003 OP t1_irqbx2e wrote
No DMT but unhealthy amount of Guiness and Chivas regal was involved
the_walrus003 OP t1_irqc3fs wrote
I am pure cancer
Atheistlady t1_irqfdnd wrote
Fantastic! I love this so much!!!!
the_walrus003 OP t1_irqg0i6 wrote
I wish dude, i cant get a gig
Aiusthemaine17 t1_irqgd3w wrote
This art reminds me of 90s death metal album covers
R7ype t1_irqimxh wrote
I was gonna say, Nurgy would be right at home.
geronimoglass t1_irqlsdm wrote
Makes me think about the themes occurring throughout Annihilation.
AnimeDreama t1_irqu6hc wrote
This looks like something right out of ABARA
02d5df8e7f t1_irr3boe wrote
Now add shades of red and you've got yourself the new Cannibal Corpse album cover
blakemorris02 t1_irrd1hv wrote
You’re seriously talented!
[deleted] t1_irrdhvf wrote
monsieuraj t1_irrww77 wrote
150% chance you're a death metal fan
allharveybman t1_irryx1k wrote
Reminds me of Nick blinko art, very cool
ChristopherDuntsch t1_irs1f3d wrote
Nicely done.
tactlacker t1_irs4hl5 wrote
Bad ass, homie
ImmortalMemeLord t1_irsfcy5 wrote
That would be great for a death metal album cover
Whitechapel726 t1_iruxm3f wrote
First thing I thought of. OP has a career in deathcore album art if they don’t already.
TorchedBlack t1_irw24d7 wrote
Reminds me more of Q Hayashida personally.
[deleted] t1_irxsckv wrote
Metalhorrorcomic-fan t1_irogf1b wrote
You are amazingly talented, keep it up!