RooneytheWaster t1_isazknd wrote
For a moment, I thought this was an alternate cover for the Big Book of Boosh.
IsureamMunsoned t1_isb7lzr wrote
This reminds me of the work of Larry Carroll
Bacnnator t1_isbain9 wrote
Reminds me of a voice I hear once in a while in my dreams. The other night for some reason I said I’m something of a mouser, it replied with that’s funny as am I. In my dream I was then swarmed by mice they were crawling all over me and felt so real the was woken by violently scratching myself. Didn’t want to sleep after that. Anyway I can almost hear the voice come from this art.
Edit: last two words
xBobSacamanox t1_isbbcgc wrote
🎶"So, let us make you an eternal deal
You will attend to the graves
You'll give us the house back and keep in mind
That we only come here at night"🎶
KrampGround t1_isbdb4d wrote
King Diamond did a song called Sleepless Nights back in 1989.
psychicowl t1_isbezvv wrote
A very powerful painting. Can you please give some description to it OP? I too have lots of sleepless nights and can relate.
chunksofstuff t1_isbi392 wrote
This is me after I stub my toe, it’s like a photograph of my face while I curse god for my existence.
SadboyDegeberate t1_isbij1y wrote
Love it
sapiensane t1_isbjo8o wrote
This reminds me of old Slayer album covers, and that's a compliment.
lesteramod1 t1_isbklyi wrote
Wanna sell it?
Shawrma1 OP t1_isbkqyp wrote
DyslexicShishlak t1_isbmd4d wrote
This is awesome! I am wondering what goes on in your mind when you decide to paint something like this? If you don't mind me asking...
I really want to start painting like this, but I legit don't know where to start..
emitstaeohwmih t1_isbmltu wrote
Those eyes are fantastic
ibrahimimago t1_isbq9xz wrote
That's a challenging wank
Efficient-Parking902 t1_isbqjlp wrote
Stunning Just love it
nycsupastar t1_isbta2n wrote
Reminiscent of some Basquiat
cofffeek t1_isbylpg wrote
That was easy
P0ptarthater t1_isd6cla wrote
Ngl he does not look very friendly
Really fucking sick tho
Zionics t1_isdv75t wrote
Man. There's more to curse in life (kinda.) Imagine stubbing your toe then dropping the food you're eating then also somehow pissing your pants. Hmm, seems like stubbing your toe is eh, huh?
By the way. I too curse God. I too am also lost and yet I still believe in him. Ultimately I realized that no matter what, I'm a lost boy. If this is a bit too dark make with it what you will.
Clungetastic t1_isexc9y wrote
If that was an NFT I would buy it.
RevDeadMan t1_isaq6ah wrote
This is actually pretty unsettling 😳 great job. Did you use A.I. for this piece?