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e30sweg t1_isu952q wrote

Reply to comment by Innuendo69 in Woodland creatures by Kabourek4

I thought the equivalent was a Rasselbock?


Muscalp t1_isuk028 wrote

The Rasselbock is a Jackalope; a Rabbit with Horns or antlers. A wolpertinger is often portrayed with additional wings and fangs.


falble t1_isuvjjs wrote

What’s the myth behind the wolpertinger? I love cryptids, so when I stumble across foreign ones it’s fun to learn.


Muscalp t1_isw89kk wrote

Not much to say. Hunters probably mixed up the corpses of their game to create a new animal. However there‘s a hypothesis that all these cryptids that are rabbits with horns were created by rabbits with papillomavirus, which creates tumors.


Simon_loki t1_isy9eb7 wrote

Wait lol so where are the additional fangs/wings that make this a wolpertinger?


Muscalp t1_isy9hub wrote

It is not


Simon_loki t1_isya08k wrote

So you just called it that for no reason or didn’t feel like correcting yourself lol?


Muscalp t1_isyadon wrote

No, you‘re simply misinterpreting my comment. I agreed with the guy before me that this is not a wolpertinger.


Innuendo69 t1_isua2pd wrote

Never heard of that before, but who knows? Germany is old and the regional myths are quite diverse in name and shape.