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windingtime t1_itv6v9c wrote

That happened to my cousin.


ccReptilelord t1_itvx5c3 wrote

Your cousin was mistaken for heaven?


TheRealUlfric t1_itw2twg wrote

No, he just lives in Ohio.


clevelanders t1_ity8dle wrote

Ohio is heaven.


LoveFishSticks t1_iu07mce wrote

Man if you like Ohio you should check out any other place you'll really love that


clevelanders t1_iu0gquj wrote

Travelled and lived all over the world and weirdly wouldn’t want to live anywhere else right now


LoveFishSticks t1_iu0qyqm wrote

Fair enough. If you have good people around you that is what matters. I live in a crummy small town in Michigan but I love it


stan4928 t1_itwfolw wrote

You can't just say this and bail... explain!


windingtime t1_itwfu7a wrote

The thing from the post happened to my cousin


stan4928 t1_itwg6dh wrote

.... he thought he saw heaven and killed himself? That sounds very traumatic and If you don't wanna talk about it that's fine. But that's so interesting. How does this happen?


windingtime t1_itwge1x wrote

I was joking. This has never happened to anyone and the idea that it has is absurd.


ohgodspidersno t1_itwwquo wrote

This is like exactly what happened to every member of the Heavens Gate suicide cult when the Hale-Bopp comet came around.


Thealt5 t1_itxtkcg wrote

Yeah, I thought this was a pretty obvious Heavens Gate reference. I guess people are too young now and this isn't part of the public consciousness anymore.


stan4928 t1_itwgrdh wrote

Idk. I've heard some crazy stories. People doped up thinking they see things.


Scharmberg t1_itwtqcw wrote

What that happened to Carl like three times. Fucker just keeps coming back.


gasvia t1_itykc3p wrote

Tell that to my cousin who this happened to.


dben89x t1_itzdqth wrote

Reddit really baffles me sometimes. Not sure how you can get so heavily downvoted for explaining that something so nonsensical was a joke. It's like one person downvotes just for the fuck of it, and then the rest just fall in line because they want to be a included. There's no other explanation.