Submitted by AspiringOccultist4 t3_yytwte in creepy
thisismyusername51 t1_iwwq8g0 wrote
I love this.
Nixplosion t1_iwwrbzt wrote
Mmmm maybe a little
Private_Doughnut t1_iwwrppe wrote
Very Lot 36. Very nice.
Magnum_Snub t1_iwwu5tt wrote
The face of a beautiful woman is one of the most devastating clandestine weapons in history.
Shin-Gogzilla t1_iwwxe9n wrote
Magnum_Snub t1_iwwxvr1 wrote
[deleted] t1_iwwyxbw wrote
Thy haveth no standards when thy lay in desperation.
Wyvernator1 t1_iwx7csh wrote
You might wanna go to a doctor
Tinystalker t1_iwx80ie wrote
Ants In My Eyes Johnson's daughter, Snakes In My Face Susie
superthrowguy t1_iwx9kiu wrote
You fool. You have no idea what you have unleashed.
BatteryAcid67 t1_iwxqt03 wrote
It's also how narcissists never look at themselves
intergalacticmantis t1_iwxs7wa wrote
xdelfinyx t1_iwxts3o wrote
But she's holding her face out in what looks like an attempt to do so, it's just that she's not equipped to?
BatteryAcid67 t1_iwxw8ss wrote
Looking at herself is like looking at a foreign object
Mr-Fahrenheit_451 t1_iwxwpzw wrote
You know my ex?
wolftamer9 t1_iwy1nt8 wrote
The snakes are her friends, they're having a nice conversation
ybreddit t1_iwy3tx7 wrote
Just watched this and had the same thought!
XarahTheDestroyer t1_iwy6uq5 wrote
I don't know what it is exactly about this painting, but it really affects me. I keep looking at it, and it makes me feel sort of sad and uncomfortable. It's really a great piece
CrazyPerson88 t1_iwy9joy wrote
Mental illness.
Perfectly described in a picture.
SherbertSnarfle t1_iwyd4ru wrote
Excellent work.
mahtaliel t1_iwydydr wrote
As an autistic person who was diagnosed as an adult and spent my entire childhood learning to force my autism inside a mask, this is how i see myself. Sometimes, the mask slips and i show people who i really am. And that usually makes them leave. Which is understandable because being bitten by 20 snakes at the same time probably isn't pleasant for them either.
Tszemix t1_iwyehbo wrote
Your current wife/gf is someones ex
MigraineCentral t1_iwyexbq wrote
Foxsayy t1_iwyget9 wrote
My god, if we can just make imitations of her face, it will revolutionize the art of war.
[deleted] t1_iwygqim wrote
Arretetonchar t1_iwym8n0 wrote
Was wondering what that french baguette was about
MusicForPleasure t1_iwyouub wrote
Her arm is way too long.
DOWN_THE_REDDIT-HOLE t1_iwyrq9c wrote
Being cold-blooded never bothered her anyway.
sprintbooks t1_iwytf13 wrote
For me, that’s the point. Outwardly, she is pretty, but within she is viperous (or some kind of bad person). She wears her face like a mask so no one knows what she’s really like.
TaikaJamppa t1_iwyul55 wrote
I thought she was looking at a handheld mirror!
Ryogathelost t1_iwzg81i wrote
I knew a person who figuratively looked like this. Lots of work.
alienalgen94 t1_iwzoh7v wrote
Her forearm looks like my cock
[deleted] t1_iwzqqzr wrote
Consol-Coder t1_iwzqs1x wrote
“Happiness isn’t an outside job, it’s an inside job.”
Blackanditi t1_iwzrak0 wrote
Totally can see that, as well as the previous comments' take. It's cool how art can be speak to people in different ways.
Also I think that people sometimes have issues with seeing themselves in a much worse light than they are. Which can actually cause them to see others in a worse light. And cause more issues with their happiness and relationships.
To me this more feels like that. The healthy alternative would be they look in a mirror and see themselves more authentically. Maybe without makeup as opposed to a medusa like beast.
We sometimes see ourselves as snakes or demons when we're really just human. If we saw ourselves and others as just human, rather than snakes or evil, then I think that's the more ideal place to be at where we can really treat ourselves and others with more kindness.
9lynx5 t1_ix02wqz wrote
Doesn't have to be
stayh1gh361 t1_ix06h34 wrote
nitramlondon t1_ix06shu wrote
This is my take and the girl in the painting resembles my whore of an ex.
Tszemix t1_ix06vmp wrote
Very unlikely
nitramlondon t1_ix06w51 wrote
Not true
Tszemix t1_ix073tf wrote
Lol how would you know that?
9lynx5 t1_ix09y6q wrote
Your reply is the definitive one, not mine. But thanks for agreeing with me and defeating the point you yourself made
MercyReign t1_ix0hz6e wrote
shuckster t1_ix0ji95 wrote
More like “the human condition” described in a picture.
shuckster t1_ix0jp7i wrote
Yes. All men, too.
Tszemix t1_ix2pcdd wrote
I was being colloquial, do you have Aspergers?
9lynx5 t1_ix355qu wrote
What an insensitive leap.. yikes
Had_and_company_fr t1_ixid5ej wrote
Oh now i know where do mean people get their Venom imao , but very beautiful i love it ♥️✨
ihopeimnotdoomed t1_ixq0r28 wrote
I'm sorry to hear that. I think I have it but not diagnosed.
Jlx_27 t1_iwwjggi wrote
The Elsa bts we never got to see.