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t1_ixiuh29 wrote

Maybe you won't mind feeling things if you STOP STABBING YOURSELF IN THE FACE WITH A NEEDLE.


t1_ixiwpk0 wrote

Wow that's badass, saw some of your other works. Very reminiscent of junji ito and I see other styles as well. Awesome!!! 🤘


t1_ixj1rg8 wrote

I interpret the needle as drugs. It really exudes hurting yourself to feel somthing else.


t1_ixj50vy wrote

Not enough people having Sex with things they shouldnt have Sex with.

Why am I getting down voted? Here's a list of weird shit people have fucked in Junji Ito stories: A doll, a house, their sister, a ghost, a woman who Eats ghosts, a cannibalistic 2 meter tall woman, Tomie, their dead wife.


t1_ixj5702 wrote

This is amazing and pretty much sums up my own struggles right now. Good job!


t1_ixjkg7a wrote

Your art is amazing!! Do you have an Etsy shop or anything?


t1_ixjmvxp wrote

Gworl when I said material gworl I meant ✨ material ✨ not 👕 material 👚 you 👏 don't 👏 practice 👏 your 👏 sewing skeelz on yoself, gworl


t1_ixk54og wrote

Whoa it’s like the Junji Ito version of Sally from Nightmare before Christmas


t1_ixk6ua9 wrote

Reminds me of a Masters of Horror episode called "Pelts".

There's a scene that plays out just like this.


t1_ixkg4kq wrote

Bitch me too you ain't special!

But seriously this looks super cool.


t1_ixko4gx wrote

this is f*cking awesome, I speak for everyone when I say we need more of this!


t1_ixl33md wrote

Reminds me of neverending nightmares


t1_ixlbwd1 wrote

would you mind if i were to get this tattooed sometime?


t1_ixle574 wrote

Definitely has Junji Ito vibes. Keep it up!!


t1_ixlom4k wrote

This about right, say something and you get burned, don't say something and you become a pariah and ignored


t1_ixltiwh wrote

This is some Junji Ito shit and I'm all for it .. man the feeling!!!


t1_ixmq8vp wrote

Your acquired skills are mass and your style is something to die for. I would buy your comics in a still heart beat.