I_might_be_weasel t1_j056ow2 wrote
Sims being forced to do activities to increase their happiness be like:
Inevitable-Ability98 t1_j057eg1 wrote
Nice work. Strong and unsettling, love it.
buuismyspiritanimal t1_j057knn wrote
SimmaDownNa t1_j057qhf wrote
I knew it was bad from the thumbnail, but when it got bigger it was much worse.
Truly unsettling.
thisgrantstomb t1_j058o0x wrote
First thing I thought.
BitchesQuoteMarilyn t1_j05ac5y wrote
I agree. Knew the ending after she went to the cop for help and it's a rip off of Fallen and It Follows.
patchesthedrow t1_j05ahml wrote
Top notch!
elephntindaroom t1_j05cay6 wrote
She cute
MetalcoreMichael t1_j05clpo wrote
It’s ok. I don’t need to sleep tonight
bigboizoloft t1_j05dno7 wrote
Hi Frampt
d20Jules t1_j05fwf0 wrote
You sorry fool
FaultProfessional163 t1_j05h1px wrote
Actually caught me off guard, nice job
ronlydoodle t1_j05ibfv wrote
I thought that movie was great tbh and i usually think most modern horror movies suck
flowers-are-cool t1_j05jg0m wrote
thanks man! i didn’t need to sleep tonight anyways!
TheChickenNecks t1_j05po0v wrote
Looks like the chick from The Shinning
tenpostman t1_j05qx2s wrote
Please don't.
LowDropRate t1_j05rttm wrote
"Deng gurl wut dat mouf do." -Nikolai Tesla
heyianthomas t1_j05ssti wrote
Where did you get this photo of my ex?
Fl333r t1_j05tq95 wrote
Actually she has a great personality
[deleted] t1_j05vx6j wrote
SaucerLodger t1_j05wmth wrote
Aphex Twin had a baby with Momo! 🙀
Ridiculous__69 t1_j05xakh wrote
This sketch but male, without this hair, is who shows up in my nightmares often!!
YaBoiMirakek t1_j05ym4s wrote
Pretty good ass movie if you ask me
Krepitis t1_j05z83u wrote
Awwwww it's great to see you, Frampt
eye_far_ted t1_j0606gc wrote
Me, 10 seconds ago:
Me: Oh, great, another Elon Musk post.
scrolls down
Me: Aww, doggo.
scrolls down
Khafaniking t1_j060akl wrote
The title makes me think that this is an grey alien that's wearing a very poorly made skin suit to disguise themselves as a human, and they're absolutely trying their best to act natural and blend in, which makes this kinda cute in a way.
FlexxyPenn t1_j060vyn wrote
The teacher from Little Nightmares 2
CoolSpookyScelten96 t1_j062qmk wrote
I had same idea
JustHafToSay t1_j06361p wrote
Look at this thing I did guys!!!
trinatakesitinthecan t1_j0664hs wrote
Looks like Anya Talor-Joy lol.
hellions123 t1_j066lwq wrote
Why can't I look away
CrackBabyCSGO t1_j0670lj wrote
Why the fuck does Reddit recommend me this crap at 3am. Deleting the app for good
ZyzSlays t1_j068ocx wrote
Way too weak of a plot, even my gf whos vanilla af thought so too
Painting_Agency t1_j06c590 wrote
"The NYMets are my favorite squadron!"
joycelynzz t1_j06cebk wrote
I can fix her
gosminhadoidinha t1_j06eci6 wrote
happy smile!
Zanje t1_j06fdhp wrote
So noone else is asking, maybe I'm dumb and don't know what sighting in this context means, but you saw this? Is there a story attached? I'm a natural skeptic but always enjoy a good story! Great drawing regardless!
(I know skeptics get a bad rap sometimes, but me personally unless I have reason to believe someone is lieing beforehand I give the benefit of a doubt and believe THEY believe they saw what they claim, and who doesn't like a spooky story :-)
Slammedfiero t1_j06gmet wrote
Next jump scare image. Nice!!!
Jblake1982 t1_j06hhv9 wrote
Is it Nadia? Pretty sure it is.
miversen33 t1_j06i8hp wrote
Looks like something from one of the "Scary stories to tell in the dark" books. Nice job OP!
Lecture-Effective t1_j06jff4 wrote
my dad said this looks like me
easykill345 t1_j06jrk0 wrote
Is this not Riki Lindhorne?
jaysin1983 t1_j06l81s wrote
Shelly Duvall in the Shining?
Bloody_Corpses t1_j06ndsb wrote
Same I thought it was Momo too
ForgingFakes t1_j06oj3w wrote
They shouldn't have made the bad guy look like a homeless dude
-Fletcher- t1_j06p8m3 wrote
Ayyy lmao
Juliawoytowicz t1_j06psft wrote
I love this
SoggyCuntBiscuit t1_j06x8zm wrote
I love ass movies
SoggyCuntBiscuit t1_j06xjqj wrote
GOOD point
rollingthestoned t1_j06xjp4 wrote
Overly attached alien girlfriend
Apprehensive_Crow473 t1_j06xobe wrote
Mikemetal12 t1_j07146y wrote
It IS frampt!!!
Moop_the_Loop t1_j075xu6 wrote
Thanks, I hate it!
NarleyNed441 t1_j07aflv wrote
Rejjeffit101 t1_j07i9m8 wrote
wifespissed t1_j07mg4b wrote
I would hang this on the wall in my living room.
TheMunstacat920 t1_j07mk0i wrote
Ah, hello. Was it you who rang the Bells of Awakening?
AnfieldRoad17 t1_j07mqn4 wrote
Literally first thing I thought of when I saw it lol
MrPanda663 t1_j07obyb wrote
Ooooohhh a sketch probably inspired by momo. Nice.
Retardo_da_Vinci t1_j07ss9a wrote
Klassisches 1st Date via Bumble.
Sakaki-Chan t1_j07twvr wrote
Aw maaan. This is upsetting. I love it!!
themangastand t1_j07y6mp wrote
This looks similar to my wife when she smiles too
Key-Environment-7649 t1_j07ydo2 wrote
Nice fetish XD
Lint-the-Kahn t1_j08apxb wrote
Hey man. This is cool and all. But delete this.
I don't. I...I don't need the nightmares
samantha_the_hermit t1_j08bbzq wrote
Damn she looks just like me
shifterphights t1_j08bk2i wrote
Literally looks like my sister
seanthefifth t1_j08iwdu wrote
Looks like a titan from AOT
AutoModerator t1_j08m6yk wrote
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[deleted] t1_j08me9h wrote
Vila_VividEdge t1_j08mg4e wrote
It’s supposed to be Momo right? If not, I feel like you should know that an almost identical figure exists
Alright my original comment got removed for providing a link to a picture, so just google Momo and you’ll see what I’m talking about
creationlaw t1_j08pcu3 wrote
Had to scroll this far down to find a reply that was commentary on the work and not an attempt at a joke.
Kronglesponk t1_j08wbin wrote
Momo + Little Nightmares 2 teacher = this
sandwichkink t1_j0kxl0q wrote
shalcapone t1_j0nrzr9 wrote
Contramasta t1_j0o49na wrote
"Got any games on your phone?"
NorthMcCormick t1_j055o4y wrote
Neat style :)