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PMmeRacoonPix t1_j2f3kcn wrote

This is a repost of my photo. It’s my grandma’s four older brothers. She had the photo on her dresser when I was growing up. We could never decide if that’s a face in the bushes or a trick of the light, but it’s definitely not my great grandmother or someone my grandma recognized


Vegasguy3124 t1_j2flrl1 wrote

Interesting. Do you know if this photo was an original or recycled?


PMmeRacoonPix t1_j2fml7q wrote

My grandma had an original on her dresser. I got this digital copy from one of my moms cousins whose dad is in the picture. I don’t know if she scanned an original or if someone sent it to her digitally


PMmeRacoonPix t1_j2fmx6z wrote

Oh, I think I understand what you are asking. Like was it reprinted on something? I think there were multiple prints made from a single negative. This scan looks exactly like my Grandma’s hard copy. I can’t recall if I have seen another hard copy. I think at my Aunt’s house?

So I think any issue would be with the negative itself


Vegasguy3124 t1_j2fnbmk wrote

I can’t help but wonder where all these gentlemen are now. It’s fascinating. Thanks for posting.


PMmeRacoonPix t1_j2fob72 wrote

They’re all dead. The Curly haired one died in his teens in a plane crash while on leave from the war. The oldest two grew into kind and gentle men. The youngest was a wild card. He we served in Korea. He was funny and rough and kind and taught me how to play cards and garden. He had no teeth and only wore striped bibbed overalls. He had a skunk as a pet. He passed in the early 2000s after reuniting with an old lover (like Biblically) and I am so happy for him to have gone that way.

Edit: a word


thered90 t1_j2fwtep wrote

How come I don’t see it on your profile? Or am I blind?


EH042 t1_j2fnuf6 wrote

Did your family’s cam had a writing on it? Something like “Camera Obscura”?


PMmeRacoonPix t1_j2fohgx wrote

No idea about the camera. My grandma just had the photo. They were dirt poor Okies. Probably wasn’t even their camera