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MileEx t1_j5skjn2 wrote

Reply to comment by Sendrith in Arsonist by JerBearBK

I don't understand what you're saying, yet I have a feeling I might be interested in it.

What do you mean by "some cosmic horror"? Stories/movies? Theories in physics?


blkplrbr t1_j5ua5kk wrote

There's a god in the Lovecraft series of novels that is litterallly just a librarian but his whole deal is that he willingly shows explorers into his area and they go insane from the knowledge they learned.


ShieldLord t1_j5swpgi wrote

> unearthing the wrong knowledge or observing the wrong entity is enough to doom you.

Have these words no value to you?!



MileEx t1_j5t1r4a wrote

Oh it's from Lord Of The Rings. Ok, thanks.