LeeroyM OP t1_j5uqsxm wrote
PurpleFuneral t1_j5urd9q wrote
seems friendly enough
LastResortFriend t1_j5vbpac wrote
This is what my hamster sees anytime gramgram gives me a cavity search for her medications. : (
TigNiceweld t1_j5vccfm wrote
This has some inverted goatse vibe to it!
Styrofoamsolarsystem t1_j5vhbd3 wrote
Grandmother Willow's shady cousin.
Big-E_Smolpox t1_j5vkfbk wrote
This painting should also be known as the birth
-Dahl- t1_j5vkif6 wrote
glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that
BlueCoatEngineer t1_j5vohba wrote
Turbo Granny?
cannedwings t1_j5vox8p wrote
jankyspankybank t1_j5vp9sk wrote
Not much of a tunnel if dick head McGee is just gonna block the way! Cryptids have no fucking respect these days.
KuribohsAdobo t1_j5vrszi wrote
Demon Doors were the best
Silly-Slacker-Person t1_j5vs31h wrote
Thought she was doing a double 🤟 for a sec
dankxenon t1_j5vth7h wrote
he looks like the type of guy to give me three riddles and if i answer them correctly only then shall i pass
NotAnInternetDog t1_j5vtm9i wrote
I see that I'm not the only one who thought it was Turbo Granny from DanDaDan.
NameShortage t1_j5vuveh wrote
"Are ya winning, son?"
Electronic-Self3587 t1_j5vwev4 wrote
Field trip, children. Come come!
LeeroyM OP t1_j5vxjij wrote
Thank you for the gold 🧡
jpcadden t1_j5w1t6i wrote
Could be a scene from attack on titan
Electronic-Self3587 t1_j5w315r wrote
Well-earned. Browsed and bookmarked your shop too. Might need me a T-shirt.
SupremePooper t1_j5w7h40 wrote
Hell, it never worked for the Coyote, and HE was a Super Genius.
metalsploit t1_j5w86dz wrote
Kinda hot in these rhinos.
William_Wisenheimer t1_j5waikf wrote
"There was a hole here. It's gone now."
Zeniphyre t1_j5wau2g wrote
POV: you're my proctologist
Whalersailor t1_j5we8n3 wrote
Olisaurus-Rex t1_j5wfbyx wrote
Dr. Nowzaradan?
onetruepairings t1_j5wfqox wrote
when my friend Neil bent over, this happened. can anyone tell me, is this covid related? and if so, what are we gonna do about it? ow.
ThatITguy2015 t1_j5wgj7e wrote
critmass78 t1_j5wgl3h wrote
I see the Robert Blake character from Lost Highway in the tunnel
Sundaver t1_j5wgtsw wrote
[deleted] t1_j5wjvub wrote
Uh uh uh uh uh
GrimeyJosh t1_j5wnn3o wrote
Someone needs to photoshop this. And dont forget the ring.
ResearcherImmediate5 t1_j5wqweb wrote
SwordoftheMourn t1_j5wsd1s wrote
I was about to say, isn’t this just Dandadan?
JimAboo t1_j5wsy7j wrote
Stolen_Sun t1_j5wwk2l wrote
Olmec has really fallen on hard times, ever since he told the final legend of the hidden temple.
Justatinyone t1_j5wzc1f wrote
Uncle fester
[deleted] t1_j5x4f1s wrote
28_EGGS t1_j5x7nqc wrote
Bridge worm 2.0
Hatamentunk t1_j5xajh5 wrote
i want to be scared, but then in my head i heard "help stepbro i'm stuck"
and i just couldnt lol
rellsell t1_j5xc27n wrote
I like it. Now do one with goatse.
Jericho_Caine t1_j5xcl8l wrote
It's Griffin from Men in Black 3
srizzors5 t1_j5xdhyb wrote
Alternate ending to Dark?
clinched01 t1_j5xep1r wrote
Looks like the screaming tunnel
ScientificAnarchist t1_j5xft1f wrote
It’s scary bilbo baggains
Sefirosukuraudo t1_j5xg5xe wrote
Aww, she’s not scary, she’s stuck. She just needs someone to stop by and help her push :P
AnAussieBloke t1_j5xhgq2 wrote
TheStileProject checkin in....
Hurricane242 t1_j5xk4e2 wrote
Help him out, he’s stuck
flynn_is_taken t1_j5xlzsh wrote
I can only think of that popping out of the hole and saying "hello, I'm here about your car's extended warranty."
kapowitz9 t1_j5xndob wrote
From Inglorious Bastards
gamemastaown t1_j5xt3h9 wrote
Why can't Willem Dafoe afford proper housing isn't he an A list celebrity
DoubleTFan t1_j5xttw9 wrote
It was a hobbit hole, and that meant discomfort.
DoubleTFan t1_j5xtuhb wrote
Men II: Big Men.
Chaos_Dunks t1_j5xv82f wrote
it’s only missing the ring!
Cats_and_wine t1_j5y6o77 wrote
its not a tunnel, its a birthcanal
ThePirateBuxton t1_j5y74ct wrote
I'm so photoshoping this coming out of goatse.
Soggy-Plenty7516 t1_j5y9dir wrote
This is the imagine 22 year old girls gets in their minds when they get a DM from a 38 year old guy
Level_99_Healer t1_j5ya7an wrote
Giving me Yomawari vibes. I dig it.
what-no-earth t1_j5yc6k0 wrote
OP where is this tunnel? It looks earily similar to the one from the movie "Men"
Zero_Night_Howler t1_j5yfsl8 wrote
Neat and jeeze
AlkalineHound t1_j5yjjo7 wrote
This what happened to the train that got bricked in Thomas the Tank Engine?
Dswim t1_j5ykdte wrote
the Taco Bell leaving my body
BigBadBread17 t1_j5yo2l5 wrote
Tf is Blark doing
funkmydunkyouslunk t1_j5ysfyf wrote
Painting_Agency t1_j5z0s1x wrote
We all float down here, buddy.
spartnjohn t1_j5z1eyl wrote
How it looked watching my baby get born
ParanoidParanoids t1_j5zc0i9 wrote
Gives me tomas the tank engine vibes
madladwithabaddad t1_j5zccog wrote
Your path is dark!
NS3000 t1_j5zeq06 wrote
i would fuck the shit out that
ChipSamurai t1_j5zfu83 wrote
How’d he get in there?
FabulouslyFrantic t1_j5zg4fu wrote
I am getting genuinely bored of these.
chocolarity t1_j5zh9xv wrote
Thats just goofy
GoGoVTheWorld t1_j5zjsyh wrote
Onyxeain t1_j5znypv wrote
"ey u got any games on ur phone"
Harlieg t1_j5zp5c5 wrote
Thomas the tank engine meets voldemort
[deleted] t1_j5zpt3s wrote
hoseja t1_j603g8x wrote
Cheeki breeki!
[deleted] t1_j607mdx wrote
Again nanny
anoncrazycat t1_j619za8 wrote
I snickered pretty hard at this.
slashingpath t1_j61eo5v wrote
Turbo granny?
nameicouldnot t1_j644cqc wrote
Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?
nameicouldnot t1_j644gzr wrote
Remove yourself from the internet, I didn't want to know that this existed.
SerNapalm t1_j5uoe3v wrote
I loved these guys in fable