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FattyESQ t1_j7ky4ao wrote

Warner Bros. and New Line are both subsidiaries of Warner Bros. Discovery, which is owned by Time Warner. So they are two different production companies albeit under the same umbrella.

Universal is owned by NBC.

Columbia is owned by Sony.

Disney is Disney. But it now owns Marvel Studios an 20th Century (and others like Lucas).

Paramount is CBS/Viacom (they were one then they split then they remerged under CBS).

Both Legendary and Ratpac are their own entities.

Part of the complication is that the chart has to count revenue when the companies were split, and sort of arbitrarily combines or separates pre- and post-acquisition numbers.

I would instead love to see a chart of the umbrella companies: Time Warner, Sony, CBS/Viacom, NBC, and Disney. And I'd love to see their movie/production wings compared to the other parts of their businesses.