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OldWorldBluesIsBest t1_ja3xvua wrote

i was taught 1 year is 7 dog years

for some reason this graph wants me to believe 1 year is TWENTY dog years, but somehow 5 is 60, and after a point they just stop aging and become immortal i guess?

goofy ass graph and its not even consistent. this looks like if a kid had to make his own graph about how old he thinks dogs are


jrm19941994 t1_ja40soo wrote

dogs are fertile at 1, humans are not fertile at 7.

agree the graph makes no sense though.


OldWorldBluesIsBest t1_ja45v7h wrote

yeah i think at any rate giving different species some equivalent age doesnt really work. but i find 1 to 7 to work better than whatever this graph was


TheRealestWeeMan t1_ja459z0 wrote

The 1 year = 7 dog years thing is a decent approximation for converting the age of an older dog to a human age. However, dogs develop at a higher rate in their first year or so than in their later years. Your conclusion is pretty accurate