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Spoonerism86 t1_j85sve6 wrote

It doesn't make too much of a difference but you can color Hungary red as well. The French version has nothing to do with the Hungarian one.


konaya OP t1_j85tcbq wrote

It's a map glitch; it's supposed to be striped red and blue. I found a good amount of videos on YouTube with the French version overlain with Hungarian lyrics, with lots of comments in Hungarian expressing nostalgia and none expressing confusion. Therefore, I deduced that the French melody is for some reason very well known in Hungary. Do you have any insight as to why this may be?


Spoonerism86 t1_j85yf7g wrote

Actually stripped red and blue would be right. Apparently the first episodes were coming with the French version for the intro (which is kinda weird because Hungarians tend to dub everything) then it was switched to Moonlight Densetsu with actual dubbed Hungarian lyrics.

The explanation could be that the commercial broadcasting (we had TV broadcasting before but it was all state owned channels) started in 1997 in the country and Sailor Moon were among the first series for kids they aired (same month when the new channels started). I guess they did not want to make the effort to create a Hungarian version for the intro without knowing that it would be a success (it was).


konaya OP t1_j85zdww wrote

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!

Interesting that they were getting the French version of all things.


ItsACaragor t1_j8682d5 wrote

I was going to ask, it made no sense to me either.

I would have seen it maybe in a country with a sizable french speaking population but Hungary seemed weird.