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bilboafromboston t1_j8kdnx0 wrote

Lol. You are a fan of right wing monarchy and brutal racist governments. Opposing them doesn't make me a leftist. Opposing putting murderers back in power doesn't make me a leftist. If a government can't stop rape gangs and feed it's people with the mist fertile land on earth, you shouldn't be fellating them in public. Kneel away. Just don't ask me to cheer you on.


_Gandalf_the_Ghey_ t1_j8kdy22 wrote

Wtf are you talking about

Edit: and you say all of this while rushing to the defense of failed left-wing monarchies without a hint of irony. Sad. I've noticed your sick factoids could really use a touch of self-reflection.


bilboafromboston t1_j8lhdce wrote

I didn't defend anyone . Can you read. ? I know you conservatives are against education and all. But the fact is one needs to know the history of a county. Blaming a desert country for a lack of water is stupid. Attacking leaders of an historically shitty country is fine, but one does need to ask what the alternative is.