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infegy OP t1_j8j1819 wrote


The data used in this visualization comes from Infegy, a consumer intelligence platform that gathers, analyzes, and presents information from billions of social media posts. The list of bands was obtained from a publicly available source on GitHub.

The process of the visualization involves searching for posts about the Red Hot Chili Peppers (RHCP) and analyzing the data to find the top 50 bands mentioned in these posts. For each of these 50 bands, the process is repeated to find the other bands they are connected with. The connection between two bands is represented by an edge, and the strength of the edge reflects how often they are mentioned together.
The results show that The Beatles are at the center of all the connections, confirming their strong influence. Additionally, the data reveals that the Rock cluster is separated from the Alternative and Pop clusters.

The tools used for this visualization include Python and its libraries Pandas and PyVis.
