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Upstairs-Coat-7476 t1_j95a4ix wrote

Good job of conveying multiple metrics on a single chart (total plastic waste vs waste in ocean vs per capita). Once you take the time to understand the chart, you can visually compare different countries in multiple dimensions at the same time.

The circular/spiral arrangement works well for this data, for two reasons: If it were a bar chart, you'd have to scroll back and forth to compare countries, rather than seeing them all at the same time (I hate scrolling back and forth!). Plus, the arrangement gives more space on the outside of the circle to fit the occasional large data points such as the US, China,...That would be harder to read in a linear format. Good choice!

However, the way circles represent the values is misleading -- the value should correspond to the area of the circle, not the diameter.

Also, according to the discussions in this post, it seems the data itself is misleading -- not taking into account the originating source of plastic waste, which ends up being quite significant.This is an issue with the data that was selected for the chart, not an issue with the visualization. (I doubt that there's accurate or comprehensive data available for country of origin.)

Overall, I learned quite a bit that I hadn't known previously.